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Ju­lia Ad­el­mann

Portrait von Julia Adelmann.

Study programme: In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment and Cor­por­ate Com­mu­nic­a­tions (BA)

Employer: Beurer GmbH

Position: E-Commerce Marketing Manager

What tips can you give young people who are looking for the right degree programme?
Talk to as many people as possible about what they are studying or have studied. This is the best way to get an insight into a degree programme and to learn a lot about the advantages and disadvantages of different universities and colleges. This gives you a good idea of whether it might be a good fit for you. Often, you also learn about degree programmes that you were not even aware of.

What tips would you give to students in your degree programme?Exchange information and help each other. It's great to have fellow students who share information from the lecture when you weren't there yourself. You can also support each other in the many projects. One person is good at one thing, the other is particularly good at something else. That way you can all get the best out of each other. This tip does not only apply to IMUKlers ;)

What was your first job like and how did you become interested in it?
I started my professional life as a trainee. This was just the right thing to do after IMUK because the programme is so broad and you can work in many areas. After graduating, I didn't know exactly which job was right for me. The trainee programme gave me an insight into several departments. On the one hand, you can try out several things and on the other hand, you get a better understanding of the connections between the different departments in a company. That helped me a lot for my current position. I found the job through a job advertisement on the company website.

What are your career goals for the future?
I am currently completing a part-time Master's degree in Business Psychology. My focus is on the area of market and advertising psychology, which is an optimal complement to my work as an e-commerce marketing manager. Therefore, I would like to further develop my skills and competences in this area over the next few years.

How would you complete the following sentence beginning?
"is a place of many memories - beautiful moments, stressful exam periods, super parties,..."