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Florian Botzen­hardt

Study programmes:  Information Management and Corporate Communications (Diploma) (now:  Information Management and Corporate Communications (B.A.)) / Master of Advanced Management (MSc)

Employer: Paul Hartmann AG

Position: Senior National Brand Manager

Contact: LinkedIn-profile (opens in a new window) / XING-profile (opens in a new window)

For what reasons did you decide to study at HNU?
Information Management and Corporate Communications or IMUK - at that time still a diploma programme - was still a fairly new and innovative programme at the time - I really liked the hybrid, interdisciplinary approach. In addition, the HNU is very manageable - comparatively small groups, intensive supervision, distinct student life at the university and in the twin city. That was (and is) a good package!

Straightforward or via detours: What was your (higher) education career like and what interests did you have as a younger person?

My curriculum vitae was rather winding - out of grammar school, then "Mittlere Reife", "FOS", IMUK diploma and Master's degree. Although this path took more time, it also developed me a lot and I learned a lot. In particular, that if you're not happy with the status quo, you have to initiate a change yourself.

Semester abroad: In which country were you and what did you experience during this time?
I was in the USA - and am still reaping the benefits of the experience today. I was shaped by the different cultures (of the host country and students from all over the world), the different university system and, in general, the many contacts with people with different perspectives on the world and life. My advice is therefore: if at all possible, do at least one semester abroad. My biggest mistake during my studies was only doing one.

What experiences during your studies have had a particular impact on you?
Realising how different companies and different business sectors can be. And all the team and project work - I learned a lot about the content and a lot about myself.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
The first job is not a marriage for life. So it's better to take a chance and definitely look for a job where you can grow.

What experiences from your studies at HNU have proven valuable in your professional life?
I am responsible for managing various product brands in the German market - this means that I have tasks from all marketing sub-areas. I assist with product development, write business plans, set prices, work on the sales strategy and then do the communication. My broad, interdisciplinary education at HNU is a total help here. You can always acquire in-depth specialist knowledge, but having been taught a broad overview and methodological skills during your studies is extremely valuable. Especially since the marketing world is constantly changing and you have to learn new things all the time anyway.

How would you complete the following sentence?
"... is an indelible and beautiful part of my personal history that has shaped me."