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Dr. Den­isa Schill

Portrait Dr. Denisa Schill

Study programme: Master of Advanced Management (MSc)

Doctorate: Dr. rer. pol. Ccoperative at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences and the University of Potsdam

Employer: IT sure GmbH

Position: Director of Strategic Business Development & general manager

Contact: LinkedIn-profile (opens in a new window)

For what reasons did you decide to study at HNU?
At HNU, modernity meets practical relevance. I refer to modernity both in terms of the HNU premises, but above all in terms of the learning content that is taught. Cutting-edge topics, methodologies and scientific models are taught. These topics can often be applied directly in projects with practical partners (e.g. design seminars). In addition, the professors and lecturers are in direct exchange with the students. This exchange of experience is very valuable for young people who are in a phase of professional orientation as part of their studies. In my current work as a lecturer at HNU, I also place a lot of emphasis on the two aspects mentioned above. It is important for me to be able to provide insights into how strategic sales and marketing as well as fundamentally market-oriented business management work. Topics that move me in business as a member of the board, I convey to the young people and show which sales models, marketing measures and leadership approaches can be used to deal with these topics in a solution-oriented way. I have always appreciated this at HNU, as many other professors also focus on this practical knowledge transfer.

What tips can you give young people who are looking for the right degree programme?
When looking for the right degree programme, I recommend that young people take time to think about what they are passionate about. They have to find out for themselves what subjects they are passionate about. The way to get there is certainly always very individual (through an internship, through a hobby, in conversations with experts in the field, etc.). But basically I find the approach of John Strelecky, bestselling author and top speaker, quite exciting. He says: "So I would encourage you to spend some time with your private museum. Close your eyes and walk through your museum. It's an incredible way to centre yourself and find answers you're looking for." Study lays the foundation for career direction. That makes it all the more important to focus on what you are passionate about right from the start.

What experiences during your studies have had a particular impact on you?
During my studies and doctorate, I put together my box of tools and methodologies that I benefit from every day. Exchanges of experience with professors, conception seminars and activities at the chair have shaped this tool box with sales and marketing know-how, as well as methodological competence as a manager. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that commitment and ambition pay off.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
As part of the application process, I recommend experiencing as much as possible of the "real" corporate culture of the potential employer. After all, it is important to have a successful, sustainable "person-organisation fit".

Please describe your everyday working life. Which projects do you work on and which tasks do you particularly appreciate?
In my day-to-day work, I deal with management tasks related to market-oriented corporate management and basically always move within the strategic triangle between the company, the customer and the competition. This concerns sales management tasks such as the sales process (coupled with the customer journey), digital sales and lead generation, technical presales as well as strategic and operative marketing (and employer branding). I am also responsible for the areas of "Application Consulting (Modern Workplace with Microsoft 365)" and "Modern Data & App Solutions". In these teams, we are strategy consultants for our clients when it comes to implementing the digital workplace or establishing a data culture. I am responsible for these areas from the initial contact with the customer (pitch) to the preparation of offers for complex solutions and fulfilment. I particularly appreciate the fact that I get to work on varied, cutting-edge topics at IT sure. I have highly qualified people in my team, some of whom have very different profiles. This interdisciplinarity is fun!

How would you complete the following sentence beginning?
"lays the foundation for exciting careers".