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Chris­tian F. König

Study programmes: Industrial Engineering / Logistics (BEng) / Systems Engineering and Management – Focus Logistics (MEng) (opens in a new window) at THU

Employer: IWL AG

Position: Authorised signatory, Member of the Executive Board - Business Development Division Manager

For what reasons did you decide to study at HNU?
I had already taken up the subject of logistics before my studies and wanted to deepen it. The Industrial Engineering and Management course with a focus on logistics at HNU in cooperation with Technical University Ulm (THU) was the ideal offer for this. It was my dream course and I only applied for this place.

Straightforward or via detours: How did your school career run and what interests did you have back then?
My development up until my studies was probably relatively unusual: After graduating from secondary school with a focus on technology, I completed an apprenticeship as a specialist for warehouse management. A good degree and the scholarship that came with it allowed me to continue my training as a master craftsman in inventory management. After eight years in industry, I wanted to develop further and was one of the first students without a high school diploma to qualify for a university place by means of a master craftsman's certificate. The best decision of my life.

What experiences during your studies have had a particular influence on you?
My studies were a team effort, characterised by study groups and many voluntary activities. Today I still have contact with most of my fellow students. This network was especially important in my professional career.

What tips would you give to students on your course?
Industrial Engineering and Management is a demanding course of study, which is characterized by the cooperation of the HNU and the THU. The situation with two administrations and two differently thinking universities can be a challenge but also a great opportunity. My recipe for a degree in the standard period of study: a high attendance in lectures and no pushing exams.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
Get involved in professional networks such as the BVL e.V. or the VDI. Here you are directly in touch with the decision-makers in the companies and often receive direct offers for theses and entry. In my opinion, it is also better to find out more about what you (don't) like with an internship.

What did your first job look like and how did you find out about it?
I slipped into my first job out of college through my thesis. I discovered the topic of the bachelor's thesis on the platform of a professional network. As I was already known to them due to my voluntary work, I was able to start my thesis without any complications. The company then immediately hired me again and even supported my extra-occupational master's degree. At the beginning I was employed as a junior management consultant for logistics.

Please describe your daily work routine. Which projects are you working on and which tasks do you particularly appreciate?
I am responsible for the Business Development division as Managing Director. This includes the development of new project business (classic sales), the development of new products and services for the company and the management of the marketing division. I am also the company's know-how carrier for innovative automation solutions in the field of logistics.

Which experiences from your studies at HNU have proven to be valuable in your professional life?
Although it sounds funny, I took the most out of the first semester of "Fundamentals of Business Administration". I have to apply that knowledge every day.

How would you complete the following sentence?
"was the most important platform for my personal and professional development. It still feels like home today."