De­part­ment of Health Man­age­ment

As the newest Department of the HNU, the Department of Health Management is still expanding its range of courses taught in English. As an exchange student at the HNU, you can also take virtual courses at the Virtual University of Bavaria. (opens in a new window)

In­form­a­tion and tips on course se­lec­tion

  • Exchange students may choose courses from all departments, degree programmes and semesters.
  • Bachelor students may only take courses at Bachelor level.
  • Master's students may take any course from the English master's programmes.
  • You must have the required competencies stated in the course descriptions. Our internationalisation officers check these as part of the application process.
  • Some courses are only offered in either winter or summer semester.
  • If not enough students register, courses can be cancelled.
  • Wherever there is a single number of ECTS given behind a course name, it is possible to take single courses from a module. Otherwise, students must take the entire module.
  • We recommend to choose courses with a workload of 15 to maximum of 30 ECTS. Please follow the guidelines of your home university.
  • For courses taught in German (other than German language courses), please contact the International Office.
  • Do not forget to clarify the recognition of the courses with your home university in advance.

De­gree pro­grammes with courses taught in Eng­lish

Business Studies in Healthcare Management (Bachelor of Arts)

Digital Management in Medicine and Care (Bachelor of Science)

Do you have ques­tions about the course con­tent or courses taught in Ger­man?

Please contact the Internationalisation Officers of our departments. They will be happy to advise you on the courses. If you have any general or organisational questions regarding the choice of courses, please contact the International Office.

Silvia Straub

Pro­fess­orin Dr. Silvia Straub

Member of Senate and University Council HNU
Internationalization Officer GM
Practice Officer Health Care Information Management IG
Practice Officer Digital Medicine and Care Management (DMP)

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1603

Location: Main Building B, B.1.16

To profile of Professorin Dr. Silvia Straub