Ori­ent­a­tion pro­gramme

Are you afraid to be alone and overwhelmed in a foreign country after your arrival? During our orientation programme for international exchange students, you will get to know other exchange students on the very first day, we will take care of all the important formalities for your studies and your stay together and you will undertake joint leisure activities with your buddies. In this way you will start the semester well prepared and together with a lot of new international friends.

Further information about the orientation programme

The orientation programme takes place two weeks before the start of the semester. In the summer semester we start at the beginning of March and in the winter semester in the middle/end of September.

Ori­ent­a­tion weeks

International exchange students and HNU students discover the region together as part of our orientation weeks and the Buddy Programme. (opens in a new window)

Our ori­ent­a­tion weeks in­clude

  • Individual support by buddies of the HNU
  • Pick-up from Neu-Ulm or Ulm main station
  • Regional excursions and leisure activities with the amazing Lokale Erasmus Initiative Neu-Ulm
  • Get-togethers with  the student council (STUVER) 
  • Assistance with formalities, e.g. opening a German bank account, dealing with authorities, etc.
  • Introductory information sessions on studying at the HNU and living in Ulm and Neu-Ulm
  • Free German language course
  • Intercultural training 
  • ... and a lot of fun

They gave us all the information we needed to go on with our daily lives during the semester. There were also excursions and trips. We felt like a part of the community and not strangers coming to a new university. They really knew how to make us feel a part of them.

Exchange student from Oman


In­ter­na­tional Of­fice – Stu­dent Ex­change In­com­ing