En­tre­pren­eur­ship & Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence

This unique event offers you the opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge and skills that will support you on your path to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

The Winter School is aimed at students who want to deepen their knowledge in the fields of Entrepreneurship and Artificial Intelligence. Over a period of one week, we offer you an intensive programme that combines theory and practice.

You will work in teams on exciting, interactive tasks where you can actively contribute your own ideas and learn valuable skills for your future.

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of entrepreneurship and AI.

18 – 22 November 2024
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Blended intensive course
Students from participating partner universities and interested HNU students as a compulsory elective subject in winter semester 24/25
Participation fee
EUR 457.-, incl. cultural programme and catering (no participation fee for HNU students)
Nomination by partner
until 10 October 2024

Con­tent & learn­ing goals

Course content

Course content
  • interesting workshops
  • exciting lectures
  • Hackathon with a well-known company
  • make international contacts with students, lecturers and companies
  • varied cultural programme
Special focus

The hackathon with a well-known company is at the centre of the course. Together with your team, you will develop practice-orientated use cases and make valuable contacts for your future career.

Learning goals for students

  • Development of conceptual skills: Students are able to understand and apply complex concepts.
  • Problem-solving skills: Students are able to develop creative and effective solutions to complex problems.
  • Teamwork skills: Students are able to work effectively in various multidisciplinary and intercultural team constellations.
  • Creativity: Students can develop creative approaches to solving problems.
  • Goal-orientation: Students are able to set clear goals and pursue them systematically.
  • Self-organisation: Students can organise their tasks and time effectively in order to achieve their goals.

Pro­gramme (sub­ject to change)

End of October/Beginning of November 2024 (tbc)

TimeProgramme itemLocation
tbcVirtual Kick-Off
All the participants of the Winter Schooll will get to know each other and receive a briefing for a presentation they have to prepare.
Via Zoom (participants receive information by e-mail)

Monday, 18 November 2024

TimeProgramme itemLocation
tbcWelcome & getting to know each othertbc
tbcTheory for the hackathon on Entrepreneurship and Artificial Intelligencetbc
tbcCity tour in Ulmtbc

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

TimeProgramme itemLocation

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

TimeProgramme itemLocation
​​​​​​​tbcGold Ochsen brewery tour with dinner​​​​​​​tbc

Thursday, 21 November 2024

TimeProgramme itemLocation
tbcPresentation of the hackathon results and company visittbc
tbcVisit of Neuschwanstein Castletbc

Friday, 22 November 2024

TimeProgramme itemLocation
tbcLectures in the field of Entrepreneurship and Artificial Intelligencetbc

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion

Event venue

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Wileystraße 1
89231 Neu-Ulm

Loc­a­tions of the uni­versity

Here you will find all buildings and locations of the university.


Participants are responsible for organising and paying for their own travel and accommodation.

The HNU has reserved a call-off contingent for students until 05.10.2024 at the Orange Hotel Neu-Ulm (opens in a new window) for the period 17.11.2024 - 23.11.2024. The hotel is only a 10-minute walk from the HNU. However, participating students are also free to book another hotel or accommodation. 

  • Orange Hotel Neu-Ulm
    - Double room at a price of EUR 60.- per person and night (incl. breakfast)
    - Triple room at a price of EUR 51.- per person and night (incl. breakfast)
    - Four-bed room at a price of EUR 47.- per person per night (incl. breakfast)
    - Five-bed room at a price of EUR 44.- per person and night (incl. breakfast)

For your booking, please write an e-mail to the hotel with the subject “HNU Winter School”. Your e-mail should contain the following information:
- Type of room (double, triple, four-bed, five-bed)
- Full names of guests
- Dates of arrival and departure

Further accommodation suggestions for participating students and lecturers: 

Health insurance

Please note that not all insurance policies are authorised for registration at the HNU.

  • For most students from EU countries, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is sufficient.
  • Students who do not have an EHIC should take out a private health insurance with unlimited cover. If this applies to you, please contact the International Office of the HNU for clarification before your registration.

Journey to us

Travelling by train

If you are travelling by train, you should choose Ulm or Neu-Ulm main station (= Hauptbahnhof) as your destination.

From Ulm main station, take bus no. 5 (direction "Wiley’" or "Ludwigsfeld") to HNU's bus stop "Hochschule" in Neu-Ulm within 10 minutes. From Neu-Ulm main station, take bus no. 5 (direction "Wiley" or "Ludwigsfeld") to HNU's bus stop "Hochschule" in Neu-Ulm within 5 minutes.

Travelling by plane

The nearest airports to Ulm/Neu-Ulm are Memmingen (1 hour by bus and train), Stuttgart (1 hour by train), Frankfurt (2 hours by train) and Munich (2 hours by train). From these cities you can take the train to Ulm main station (= Hauptbahnhof).

From Ulm main station, take bus no. 5 (direction "Wiley’" or "Ludwigsfeld") to HNU's bus stop "Hochschule" in Neu-Ulm within 10 minutes.

Your con­tact

Par­ti­cip­at­ing in­sti­tu­tions

The event is supported as part of the HNU anniversary year by

Sponsor logos of the HNU anniversary 2024