Mul­tidiscip­lin­ary Courses

Students of all degree programmes of the HNU as well as international exchange students are welcome to join multidisciplinary courses of the HNU or external institutions. The courses provide students with an opportunity to explore an area of interest outside the student's degree programme.

Multidisciplinary courses at the HNU

*according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)


Online courses of other universities in Bavaria

As a student at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences you can also choose from the wide range of courses offered by the Virtual University of Bavaria (opens in a new window) (vhb). Courses take place online, while exams for these courses may take place at one of the Bavarian universities for example in Munich, Passau or Regensburg.

All online courses, the initial registration process on the learning platform and the participation in examinations are free of charge. Courses that you successfully complete at these institutions can be added to your HNU transcript of records as a multidisciplinary course afterwards. You can find the courses offered and instructions on how to register on the learning platforms in the related links below. 

Re­lated links

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice – Stu­dent Ex­change In­com­ing