New edi­tion of the magazine breit­seite: Werte / Val­ues

11.04.2022, Study :

The new edition of breitseite is here - created in purely digital collaboration, because the students involved had only experienced their first semester in presence. In the exchange, questions such as "What counts in life?" came up, which led to the focus of the current issue: Values / Values."

Every year, a new edition of breitseite is published, conceived by students of the Information Management and Corporate Communications course in the Communications Project under the direction of Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger and co-lecturer Sabine Geller. Working in teams, the students took on all the tasks themselves: from conception to text and design to publicizing the project on social media and the website to shooting a video and finding sponsors - all within 15 weeks.

The result is a magazine divided into four chapters: "Realization," "Connection," "Change" and "Responsibility." It is about the meaning of life, freedom, family, sustainability and many other topics worth reading.

The video "VALUES" was awarded: It took first place in this year's ShootByYouth competition.

A digital edition of the breitseite can be found at (opens in a new window).

Cover of breitseite (opens enlarged image)
Cover of breitseite