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HNU stu­dents de­velop in­nov­at­ive solu­tions in the health­care sec­tor

11.03.2024, Study :

Innovative, intercultural and interdisciplinary: eight students on the "Digital Healthcare Management" Master's degree course at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) worked together with students from Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) in Finland to develop innovative solutions for the healthcare sector. Under the guidance of HNU professors Dr. Alexander Würfel and Dr. Peter Kuhn, the students spent a week designing apps on various healthcare topics.

The cooperation with the KAMK has already existed for several years. This year, the students are working on apps on topics including dental hygiene, fitness training for older people and depression. Game-based approaches were also developed in some of these concepts. In addition, a group of students developed a solution to optimize wound care with the aim of making better use of materials and more efficient use of nursing staff time. The students also designed a digital solution for experiencing neurological problems such as ADHD or autism. Virtual spaces were created here to give parents and caregivers of young people a better understanding of these behavioral disorders.

The apps will be further developed in the coming weeks, especially in the workshops of the International Week Health Management at HNU. The Finnish students and colleagues from KAMK will be coming to HNU for this event. The project will conclude with a scientific article by the students in a KAMK publication, which is due to appear later this year.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Würfel said of the project: "The students' ideas give us hope for very exciting results. We are delighted to be able to offer the students this opportunity to gain not only interdisciplinary but also intercultural experience. At the same time, we are very grateful to have such great cooperation partners at the KAMK, without whom a project like this would be unthinkable."

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