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Uni­versity Health Re­port 2023: HNU stu­dents are healthy and sat­is­fied

22.01.2024, Press Release :

What is the state of students' physical and mental health? How often do they exercise and how satisfied are they with their lives? In order to investigate these and other questions about health, health behavior and the general study situation, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) conducted the second health survey among its students. The aim is to derive needs-based health promotion measures.

In order to collect meaningful and up-to-date data on the health of its students, HNU conducted the second broad-based study of this kind from April 24 to May 12, 2023. The results will be used to derive measures as part of student health management (SGM) that can have a positive impact on the health of HNU students. "The results suggest the encouraging conclusion that the COVID-19 pandemic does not appear to have any lasting after-effects on the mental and physical health of HNU students," says Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann, Vice President of HNU.

For example, the students surveyed are more satisfied with their lives than two years ago (2023: 66.5% vs. 2021: 56.2%), they largely perceive their subjective health as good or even very good (67.2% vs. 65.6%), do more sport (59.1% of respondents do at least 150 min/week of endurance sport, 45.3% meet the WHO exercise recommendations) and experience significantly less stress (32.8% vs. 45.0%) than two years ago.

A total of 408 students completed the survey, which was made possible by a cooperation between HNU and "Die Techniker" that has been in place since 2020. Based on the data available so far, four health programs have already been derived, which include sports as well as mental health offers and targeted key competence training. In addition, 15 Mental Health First Aid helpers have been trained.

In addition, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences is well networked both regionally and nationally and uses this exchange with other universities and colleges to continuously develop its own student health management.

Contact and further information
Prof. Dr. Julia KormannChristoph Giebeler
Healthy University (opens in a new window)

Logo des University Health Reports. (opens enlarged image)