The HNU as employer

As a campus university in the countryside, we are located in the middle of an economically strong region in southern Germany. Neu-Ulm in Bavaria and the neighbouring Baden-Württemberg city of Ulm - nestled between Stuttgart and Munich - offer a high recreational value.

In addition, we offer you a wide range of operational advantages.

Flexible organization of working hours

  • Flexible working hours between 6.00 and 20.00 h, without core working hours
  • Possibility of part-time work and job sharing
  • Flexible annual working time account
  • Housing Work
  • Family Days

Equal opportunities

The Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences actively promotes equal opportunities and equal treatment of all employees in science and administration.

  • The Women's Representative within the scientific sector and the Equal Opportunities Representative within the non-scientific sector is committed to equal opportunities for women and men in their respective fields of employment.
  • The Staff Council is responsible for the interests of all non-scientific staff and scientific employees and prevents discrimination.
  • Our representative body for severely handicapped employees is committed to protecting the rights of severely handicapped colleagues.

Family friendliness

The Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences is certified as a family-friendly university (opens in a new window). The aim of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences is to enable employees from teaching and administration to harmonise their work at the HNU with life outside the university as well as possible. To achieve this, numerous measures are implemented in all areas of the university. FOR EXAMPLE

  • BIZEPS family service: In order to make it easier for students and members of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences from teaching and administration to reconcile their studies, work and family or private life, the HNU has set up an advisory service with a very wide range of services
  • Parent-Child Office
  • Affiliated day care centre "Kinderinsel"

Additional offerings

International mobility

As an international business school, the university also offers its employees a wide range of opportunities to participate in international exchanges within the framework of Staff Mobility and to take part in international language courses


Job ticket of the Deutsche Bahn


  • Employees are entitled to capital formation benefits if the relationship lasts at least 6 months
  • Supplementary pension provision via the Federal and State Pension Institution (VBL)

Dual Career Service

In order to make it easier for professors and their families to move to the region for professional reasons, the university offers support through the Dual Career Service.


We have modern and ergonomic office workplaces with good IT equipment and the possibility to use social rooms.


A limited number of employee parking spaces are available to employees of the university.

Further training

In addition to specialist further training, there are extensive further training opportunities within the university's further training catalogue, e.g. the promotion of foreign language skills.


Maintaining and promoting the health of employees and students is the goal of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. The "Healthy University" concept covers the three subject areas of preventive measures, return talks and company integration management, and covers company health management comprehensively.

Working climate

Our Business School is characterized by a partnership atmosphere on campus. Open communication as well as mutual respect and recognition characterize our culture.
Through regular surveys and the Innovation Circle, we are always open to your suggestions and ideas.

excellent infrastructure

  • Reduced staff prices in the mensa and cafeteria on campus
  • Extensive shopping facilities in the direct vicinity of the campus