Become a assistant lecturer - share knowledge
Our university is looking for you!
You too can complement your professional career with a teaching assignment
Assistant lecturers at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences are external, part-time specialists from the field who take on individual courses on a fee basis and impart knowledge and experience about their professional everyday life and its requirements to the students - a great benefit for both sides.

Become assistant lecturer now
That makes you stand out:
- Qualified degree from a dual university, university of cooperative education, university of applied sciences or successfully completed university studies.
- Relevant, up-to-date specialist knowledge as well as 3 years of professional practical experience and you are familiar with specific scientific standards and methods in your field.
- High personal and professional competence and you are enthusiastic about your field and enjoy bringing it closer to young, committed people.
- Ideally experience in teaching or training, preparing learning content and linking theory and practice.
In our online applicant portal, you can apply for advertised teaching positions. An overview of the range of subjects and their contents can be found on the pages of the individual degree programmes.
Please note: A teaching assignment does not constitute an employment relationship and lecturers are not employees or civil servants of the Free State of Bavaria or the state universities.
What if I can't take on a whole course?
The Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences supports you:
- Perhaps you would like to give your topic as a guest lecture within a course to the students?
- Or you declare yourself willing to support our students with topics for their seminar papers and Bachelor's theses with the help of our professors?
- Does your company have anything interesting to offer our students in terms of excursions?
Please feel free to contact us - we look forward to your suggestions!
You can find the contact persons for the programme directors on the programme pages of the HNU.
What is the scope of a teaching assignment?
As a rule, teaching assignments are given for one semester. In the module handbook of the respective degree programme, the semester hours per week (SWS) of 45 minutes to be taught are prescribed. These are mainly between 2 and 4 SWS and take place weekly in the semester over a period of approx. 14 weeks on fixed weekdays.
Deviations such as block courses, online elements, excursions etc. must be discussed with the person responsible for the module and the administration.
What tasks are part of a teaching assignment?
As a assistant lecturer, you are obliged to carry out the teaching tasks specified in the teaching assignment. You work independently and are responsible for the content of the lectures.
First of all, you discuss a concept for your lecture with the person responsible for the module. Here you must pay attention to the module description of the course, in which the required contents are described.
However, you are free to develop didactically - you can set your own focus or adapt content to current developments. You decide yourself which didactic means you want to use to convey the material: You can combine lectures, exercises, labs or even excursions during the planned period in consultation with the professors responsible for the module.
Teaching material such as presentations, literature or scripts are prepared by you. If the module handbook provides for examinations, these are prepared and corrected by you independently.
You can find the module descriptions in the download area of the individual degree programme pages. You can find out the course size from the professor responsible for the module.
How many teaching assignments can be given to individuals?
The total number of teaching hours per semester at Bavarian state universities may not exceed 9 SWS. Teaching assignments are often given twice in succession and, depending on the reason for the assignment or the amount of preparation required, more frequently.
What is the remuneration for teaching assignments?
As a rule, teaching assignments are given for the duration of one semester and paid at the end of that semester. Remuneration is calculated according to the individual hours actually worked and eligible for remuneration. You will receive a lump sum for each SWS taught, which already includes the preparation and follow-up work and the examination tasks for a course/semester hour. Times spent supervising examinations cannot be taken into account here.
What are the requirements for guest lectures?
As a university of applied sciences, constant exchange with companies is of course very important to us. Within the framework of guest lectures at our faculty, you can present information about your work and new projects, report on current developments in your industry, present new methods or, for example, software systems and report on current challenges in your field.
Guest lectures can be given as part of lectures as long as they fit the content of the programme and its target group of students. These should have a limited duration of 60 to 90 minutes; depending on the subject matter, companies may also hold an entire lecture of 180 minutes.
Please note that a guest lecture is not a platform for exclusively advertising one's own company or for recruiting students as interns or employees. For this purpose, we offer, for example, our internship and job exchange or the Career Weeks in October.
You can find the contact persons for the programme directors on the programme pages of the HNU.