Dual Ca­reer Net­work Swa­bia

Wel­come to the net­work!

The Dual Career Network Swabia is an association of the universities of Neu-Ulm, Kempten, Biberach as well as the Ulm University of Technology and the University of Ulm with the common goal of attracting outstanding professors, scientists, specialists and managers to the region. The Dual Career Advisory Service supports dual career couples so that both partners can pursue a career in the region.

When recruiting new employees, the professional perspective of the respective partner plays a major role in ensuring the compatibility of career and family.

About the net­work

Why a network?

In the region of Neu-Ulm, Ulm, Biberach, Kempten, no dual career network has existed so far. The existing Dual Career networks in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are too far away to be relevant for the placement of partners in the region. Therefore, the establishment of a Dual Career Network in the region is of great importance in order to be able to act locally efficiently in the Dual Career Service.

The network is intended to visibly increase the attractiveness of the region for scientists, specialists and managers. The Dual Career Network Swabia would like to strengthen the science and business location in global competition.

The network expressly invites other institutions from science, business and administration to join.

Our offer

We support partners in their own search for suitable jobs in the Swabian region. They benefit from the cooperation of the participating universities and companies from the region. We cannot offer a guarantee of a job.


The start-up universities and network participants of the Dual Career Network Swabia support each other by exchanging information about job vacancies in the region for partners who move with them. In this way, they contribute to the recruitment and retention of excellent employees and increase the attractiveness of the universities, the companies, the municipal institutions and the science location.

Scope of services

The Dual Career Services of the network participants provide support and advice in the following areas

  •  Job search (job placement cannot be guaranteed)
  •  Establishing contacts with employers in the region
  •  Application documents
  •  Information on application processes in Germany
  •  Residence law issues
  •  Information on childcare and schools

How to join the net­work?

We look forward to other institutions from science, business and administration joining as network partners.

They can join the network at any time free of charge. Please complete the membership form and send it to the network coordination office by e-mail. (By joining, you accept the guidelines for cooperation between the universities of applied sciences. )

We look forward to seeing you!

Con­tact the net­work

Dr. Ruth Knipper-Willmann

Dr. Ruth Knip­per-Will­mann

University of Ulm

Dr. Dorothea Güttel

Dr. Dorothea Güt­tel

University of Ulm

If you have any questions or would like to tell us something, just send us an e-mail or use our contact form.

To contact form

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion

The net­work

The found­ing uni­versit­ies

The Dual Career Network Swabia founded by the universities of Neu-Ulm, Kempten, Biberach as well as the Technical University of Ulm and the University of Ulm.