AI Work­shop for HNU Alumni

Topic: Shap­ing the Fu­ture: Dis­cover the Latest Gen­er­at­ive AI Tech­no­lo­gies

Exclusive Offer for HNU Alumni

July 19 (14:00 - 18:00)
July 20 (9:00 - 12:00)
Exclusive Offer for HNU Alumni
HNU Innovation Space & Founders Space (John-F.-Kennedy-Str. 5-7, 89231 Neu-Ulm)

In its anniversary year, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) has prepared something special for its graduates. The workshop "Shaping the Future: Discover the Latest Generative AI Technologies" is a free special offer from HNU and the Center for Continuing Education (ZfW) and is exclusively for the alumni of the university and ZfW.

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von Menschen in einem hellen, modernen Raum, der wie ein Ausstellungsraum wirkt. Die Gesichter der Personen sind nur teilweise zu erkennen. Einige stehen und führen Gespräche, während drei Frauen an einem Tisch stehen und sich unterhalten. An den Wänden sind Plakate zu sehen. Im Hintergrund ist Text an der Wandtafel, der jedoch teilweise verdeckt ist und die Worte „AKTUELL“, „Hello again“ und „Ideen“ enthält. Es scheint, als ob eine Veranstaltung oder ein Treffen stattfindet.

Pro­gramme and sched­ule

In its anniversary year, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) has prepared something special for its graduates. The workshop "Shaping the Future: Discover the Latest Generative AI Technologies" is a free special offer from HNU and the Center for Continuing Education (ZfW) and is exclusively for the alumni of the university and ZfW.

Following a successful alumni event "hello again @ HNU" last year, HNU once again invites its graduates to its premises. We have gladly taken the positive feedback and wishes of our alumni into account and this time, in addition to the opportunity for exchange and networking, we are offering a two-day workshop with theoretical foundations and practical tips on the topic of Generative Artificial Intelligence.

On July 19 and 20, our experts, Prof. Dr. Jens Kolb and Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo, will provide valuable insights into the latest developments in research and possible future scenarios in the field of artificial intelligence. The focus is on application in businesses. Workshop participants can try out various tools themselves under the guidance of the lecturers and share their experiences in a pitch session.

Finally, we warmly invite alumni to a joint dinner, where we can deepen the exchange in a relaxed atmosphere.

AI image generator app. Person creating photo art with Artificial Intelligence software in computer laptop. Technology trends

Here's what awaits you in the work­shop:

  • Basics of & milestones in AI
  • Types of AI & current applications of AI
  • Generative AI in the workplace
  • Examples of AI tool applications
  • Trying out AI tools
  • Networking with other HNU Alumni


Interested alumni can register until July 5, 2024. As this is an exclusive offer for alumni as part of HNU's anniversary year, participation in the workshop is free.

The number of participants is limited, so early registration is recommended ("First come, first served"). All workshop participants will receive a certificate of participation from the Center for Continuing Education of HNU.

To the Registration

Our lec­tur­ers

Pro­fessor Dr. Jens Kolb

Vice President for Transfer and Postgraduate Studies

Professor for the field of digitalisation and technology management

Coordinator of studies with deepened practical experience and composite studies

Head of the degree programme Management, Digitization and Sustainability (BA)

Director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Sustainability

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1250

Location: Main Building B, B.1.21

To profile of Professor Dr. Jens Kolb

Jens Kolb

Pro­fessor Dr. Daniel Schallmo

Professor für Digitale Transformation und Entrepreneurship

Studiengangleitung Master Digitale Transformation und Global Entrepreneurship

Leiter des Instituts für Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit

Mitglied des Instituts für Digitale Transformation

Phone: 0731/9762-1531

Location: Edisonallee 1, E1.1.02

To profile of Professor Dr. Daniel Schallmo

Daniel Schallmo

Do you have any fur­ther ques­tions?

Feel free to contact us at: alumni[at]hnu[dot]de 

We look forward to your registration!

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