Co­oper­at­ing with HNU

Trans­fer at the HNU

Transfer is the third strategic mission of the HNU, alongside teaching and research. We define transfer as the continuous and reciprocal exchange of ideas, knowledge, and technologies within networks involving regional, national, and international stakeholders from research, business, society, and politics. Our goal is to make an effective contribution to societal and economic development and transformation.

As an international business school focusing on innovation, sustainable entrepreneurship, and digital transformation, the HNU has been committed to transfer since its founding in 1994 and has since built intensive networks within the region and internationally. From this, we have gained the insight and experience that successful innovations arise from the combination of knowledge from different sources and the collaboration of various actors within a network. Only in this way can sustainable solutions be generated for complex problems and challenges in business and society.

OUR  Transfer strategY (opens in a new window)

Why co­oper­ate with HNU

After 30 years of transfer experience and a broad methodological as well as practical expertise, HNU has established itself in the Ulm/Neu-Ulm region as a strong practical partner and a key player in knowledge and technology transfer. Below, we present ten good reasons to collaborate with HNU

Innovative/Future-oriented Research Focus Areas

The HNU focuses on four central research fields:

  • Digital Innovations for the Aging Society
  • Digitalization of Healthcare
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Future-proof Business Models

Through cross-cutting themes, the HNU addresses the challenges of tomorrow for businesses and society in the digital age:

  • Transformation Management
  • Ethics and Sustainability
  • Optimization of Business Processes
  • Data Analytics
  • Internationalization

Our research chairs offer particular expertise in the following areas:

  • Logistics
  • Risk and Resource Management
  • Information Management
  • Innovation Management
  • Sales Intelligence & Compliance
  • Digital Medicine and Care
  • AI - Natural Language

Application-oriented experts and practice-experienced students

Benefit from the practical expertise and networks of HNU experts from teaching, research, and transfer: Our professors have several years of professional experience and bring their scientific insights back into practice. In their competence centers and institutes (opens in a new window), HNU consolidates the continuous development of practice-oriented teaching and applied research - at the cutting edge and in close collaboration with companies, partner universities, and non-academic institutions. One possible form of collaboration is offered by our concept seminars, where companies work together with students on practical issues. Our HNU showcase (opens in a new window) and design thinking workshops (opens in a new window) provide exemplary insights into the diverse results of our practical projects. On the 'Theory x Practice' page (opens in a new window), we present a variety of projects from the three faculties of HNU that our students have implemented in collaboration with companies.

Top Expertise in the Field of Digitalization

Everyone talks about digitalization - we drive it forward: Firstly, we offer a wide range of degree programs tailored to digitalization and innovation management, thus educating the future shapers of tomorrow. Secondly, within the scope of our Transformation Management theme, we holistically prepare our cooperation partners in the region and beyond for the challenges of the future. At our Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT), which focuses on the digital transformation of medium-sized companies, we share our research findings, current knowledge, and applicable methods on the topic of digital transformation with you. Our project database (opens in a new window) provides insight into our current research projects.

Degree programs in the field of digitalization (selection):


Exchange formats:

Extensive Scientific Continuing Education Offerings

Our academic continuing education (opens in a new window) prepares you for the workplace of the future: With part-time degree programs, certificate courses, and educational programs, we tailor your and your employees' qualifications for leadership and management roles. In addition to traditional continuing education, you can also participate in topic-specific workshops, seminars, and lectures.

Dynamic Startup Ecosystem

As an international business school for innovation, entrepreneurship, and digital transformation, HNU places a strong focus on entrepreneurship and fostering entrepreneurial thinking and action: Through supporting startup-related projects, mentoring startup initiatives, and providing existing startup infrastructure, HNU contributes to the regional startup ecosystem. With the opening of the Founders Space in October 2021, HNU provides a space for creativity, exchange, networking, co-working, and experimenting and implementing ideas. HNU offers various opportunities for networking and support to companies, investors, and alumni.

Open Innovation Climate through Approachability, Accessibility, Flexibility

We are approachable, accessible, and responsive: On our campus in Wiley Park, we facilitate tailored offerings and individual dialogues through short pathways and open doors. In addition to Neu-Ulm, Illertissen, Günzburg, and Leipheim are also part of the 'HNU map': The Castle Vöh­lin Sem­inar Centre (opens in a new window) provides a space for the education and further development of students, teachers, and representatives from academia and business. The Technology Transfer Center (TTZ) in Günzburg (opens in a new window) supports regional companies in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The task of the Technology Transfer Center (TTZ) in Leipheim (opens in a new window) is to advance knowledge and technology transfer to digital and sustainable value creation systems in the Nordschwaben region.

We are happy to advise you on current HNU projects in which you can participate and get involved. Please feel free to contact us.

Modern Campus with Attractive Laboratory Infrastructure

With its innovatively equipped laboratories (opens in a new window), HNU creates the foundation for active and recursive innovation exchange with regional stakeholders from business, society, and politics on its campus. The laboratories at HNU include:

  • Design Thinking Lab
  • Digital Operations Lab
  • DocLab
  • Founders Space
  • GM-Lab (Health­care Man­age­ment Labor­at­ory)
  • Information Management Automotive Labor­at­ory
  • Innovation Space
  • Logistics Labor­at­ory
  • Media Centre
  • UX-Testing und Usability Labor­at­ory

All laboratories provide state-of-the-art infrastructure for interaction and collaborative knowledge production, enabling the transfer of knowledge and technologies into entrepreneurially feasible solutions. Scientists, students, and business representatives can develop and test their own ideas in this infrastructure.

Lively Exchange Formats with Active Networking Opportunities

The target-oriented event offerings of HNU invite participation and collaboration through various pathways and formats, providing the opportunity to network inter- and transdisciplinarily. HNU offers suitable event formats such as conferences and congresses, idea competitions, innovation circles in an open innovation format, event series, workshop series, and informal gatherings for numerous focal points and needs. The underlying concept is that the complex challenges and issues of our time can only be tackled through open innovation processes.

Strong Networks through Intensive Collaboration with Business and Society

The intensive collaboration with regional, national, and international stakeholders from business, society, and politics, and the resulting continuous, recursive exchange, are cornerstones of daily practice at HNU. As a regional driver of innovation, we are deeply rooted and extensively connected in the strong innovation region of Ulm/Neu-Ulm. Employees, alumni, as well as friends and supporters of HNU are actively connected through our digital channels, such as LinkedIn.

Through our knowledge and technology transfer, we fulfill our societal responsibility, also involving civil society actors. For example, HNU is involved in initiatives like the House of Sustainability (opens in a new window), founded in 2021, along with other stakeholders.

Valuable expertise for the region through international relations

The HNU maintains active university partnerships and research contacts on all continents, providing a fertile ground for project and cooperation initiatives that benefit from an expanded perspective and global experiences. International guest professors regularly enhance our teaching. The first point of contact for international matters is our International Office (opens in a new window): The staff coordinate international exchanges and advise students on exchange opportunities.

The aforementioned reasons culminate in our overarching goal: We are driving forces for sustainable digital and societal transformation and define our role in continuous dialogue with business, politics, and society. As a regional innovation driver, we do not consider knowledge and technology transfer unilaterally circular, but always multilateral - and continuously develop it further.

Our Part­ners and Net­works

Successful innovations arise from the combination of knowledge from different sources and from the collaboration of various actors in a network. The cooperation activities of HNU are shaped not only by numerous partnerships with companies and institutions but also by active exchange within alliances, networks, and clusters. The event offerings of HNU invite participation and collaboration in many ways and formats, providing the opportunity to network inter- and transdisciplinarily.

Become part of our network and benefit from exchange with regional, national, and international partners.


Das Bild zeigt eine Sammlung zahlreicher Unternehmenslogos.

HNU is part of a strong economic region with an attractive mix of global players, hidden champions, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. Whether in the fields of teaching and further education, knowledge and technology transfer, or research - we collaborate intensively, purposefully, and trustfully with companies.

Chambers, Associations and Networks

Das Bild zeigt Logos von verschiedenen Kammern, Verbänden und Netzwerken. Unter anderem: IHK Schwaben, IHK Ulm....

The entire organization of HNU is organized or involved in regional and supra-regional industry and business networks, interest groups, and social hubs.

Local authority partners

Das Bild zeigt Logos der kommunalen Partner. Unter anderem Stadt Neu-Ulm, Stadt Ulm…

Deeply rooted in the Ulm/Neu-Ulm region, we actively engage in ongoing exchanges with local municipal stakeholders. As a regional innovation driver, HNU is involved by regional policymakers in decision-making processes, bringing scientific expertise to the table and assisting decision-makers in making science-informed decisions in a politically neutral manner.

Initiatives, Organizations and Institutions

Das Bild zeigt Logos von Initiativen, Organisationen und Institutionen. Unter anderem vom Digitalisierungszentrum, Haus der Nachhaltigkeit…

HNU is involved in various regional initiatives in numerous ways, collaborates with civil society organizations, and regularly interacts with other regional stakeholders, including those in the fields of IT, entrepreneurship, health, sustainability, and social issues.


Das Bild zeigt Logos der verschiedenen Partnerhochschulen/Universitäten. Unter anderem Hochschule Biberach, Technische Hochschule Ulm…

Joint degree programs, cooperative doctoral programs, research projects, consortium projects in the field of entrepreneurship, and much more: The range of HNU's collaborations with colleges and universities is constantly expanding and highly valued by all parties involved. The regular exchange of knowledge and pooling of potentials help address present and future challenges together.

Not only regionally and nationally, but also internationally, HNU is globally connected with its partner universities (opens in a new window).

Many thanks to our stra­tegic part­ners, spon­sors and sup­port­ers

Strategic partners

Das Bild zeigt Logos der strategischen Partner. Unter anderem beurer, Bite, Hensoldt...

In February 2023, HNU entered into cooperation agreements for strategic collaboration with ten regional companies. This uniquely structured new network aims to further promote innovation in the region in a targeted manner, as well as contribute to securing skilled workers and enhancing international competitiveness. For more information about our strategic partners, please click here (opens in a new window).


Thanks to the support of our sponsors, HNU gains greater flexibility in its activities. For companies interested in sponsoring our university, we have developed attractive sponsorship packages.
Are you also interested in sponsoring HNU? Then please contact us.

Public funders

Das Bild zeigt Logos der öffentlichen Förderer. Unter anderem Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz...

Numerous projects implemented at HNU are only possible with the support of our public funders.
Our project database (opens in a new window) provides insights into past, ongoing, and future projects at HNU.

Private funders

Das Bild zeigt Logos der privaten Förderer. Unter anderem beurer, bite, bsh…


The Deutschlandstipendium scholarship (opens in a new window) supports high-achieving and engaged students at HNU, regardless of income. A scholarship amounts to 300 euros per month and is initially awarded for one year, starting at the beginning of the winter semester. When selecting recipients, achievements in school and university as well as involvement in society are taken into account. In this way, the scholarship providers promote networking with HNU, get to know ambitious and responsible students personally during their studies, and strengthen the academic and economic location of Ulm/Neu-Ulm.

Con­tact for co­oper­a­tions

Are you interested in collaborating with Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences or do you have a question about our services? Get in touch with us to learn more about your cooperation opportunities with HNU.

CONTACT US NOW (opens in a new window)