Co­oper­a­tion Formats

In­nov­at­ive and tar­get group-ori­ent­ated of­fers

Whether it's contract research, topic-specific workshops or access to the HNU's recruiting and expertise pool: decide on the cooperation formats that meet your needs. HNU has compiled a portfolio of transfer formats in seven categories for you.

Are you interested and would like to find out more about the opportunities for co-operation? Please contact us:


Co­oper­a­tion and trans­fer through


Innovation Circles & Workshops

Professors, young academics and students work together with companies and civil society organisations on the topics of tomorrow. They form regional think tanks that jointly develop and work on issues and thus ensure the actual relevance of the research topics for practice. HNU's IT Executive Circle (ITEC), which currently consists of twelve well-known companies from the region, offers its participants not only scientific findings on IT-relevant topics, but also a platform for professional dialogue. HNU experts deal with specific current topics and questions from IT managers and provide concrete recommendations and handouts to the group of IT managers.

Network platforms & events

Find out more and network at our numerous events such as the IT Congress, the HNU Management Forum or the IDT Open Lab. As part of Career Week, we offer you the opportunity to present yourself and your company to HNU students and graduates and to get to know our students as potential employees. In addition to the HNU premises, the Vöhlinschloss University Centre is available for further training, conferences and cultural events.

Information on current events can be found here.

Open Labs & Open Infrastructure

By opening up our laboratories, innovation areas and technical infrastructure, we enable the transfer of knowledge or technologies into marketable solutions that can be utilised by businesses. University members, companies and people interested in innovation in general can develop their own ideas here and realise them as prototypes.

Find out more about the possible uses of laboratories and technical equipment (opens in a new window).



Contract research

Commission individual academics, a research institute or competence centre at HNU (opens in a new window) to work on a self-contained research assignment defined by you.


Research cooperation and collaborative research

Work together and in partnership with HNU researchers on research questions that are of particular interest to you and the university. Individual scientists as well as competence centres and institutes are available as possible cooperation partners. Research collaborations can often be partially financed by public funding programmes. We are familiar with the relevant funding programmes and can support you with the application process.

Star­tup and En­tre­pren­eur­ship

Access to community and premises

The HNU Founders Space offers you the right environment for your innovation projects. Here you can expect an unbiased exchange with innovative people and contact with projects from other areas, phases and circumstances. You will benefit from outside perspectives and unintended synergy effects. We put you in touch with internal and external experts and provide access to the entrepreneurship and innovation community in the region and beyond.

The HNU Founders Space also provides you with the right resources in the form of rooms, hardware and everything you need to get started.

Process consulting

With our help, you can better identify and realise potential in your company. You will also receive support in developing blueprints for future innovation strategies.


We support you in specific innovation and intrapreneurship projects so that an idea can become a concept and/or prototype - without operational blindness, on neutral ground and including synergy effects and knowledge of the companies.

Innovation competitions & start-up events

Promoting ideas that can lead to the creation of innovations or start-ups: HNU pursues this goal with its challenges, which it organises together with its external partners. The established formats include the 3D Printing Challenge and the 24h Makeathon.

In the 3D Printing Challenge, participants create an innovative 3D-printed product and present a business plan showing how the product (or a corresponding service) can earn or save money. Companies have the opportunity to get involved as prize sponsors and jury members and to exchange ideas with 3D printing enthusiasts.  

As part of the 24h Makeathon, the participating students work on the questions and challenges submitted by municipal institutions and civil society organisations. The aim is to find innovative solutions for the region.

At HNU, we regularly offer free seminars, workshops and events on topics relevant to start-ups. Take advantage of the opportunity to network with the HNU community and other external players. You can find out more about our start-up events here.


Online job portal

The university online job portal at (opens in a new window) gives you the opportunity to reach HNU students and present your vacancies to them.


Ca­re­er Week

Career Week is the central recruiting event at HNU. The event traditionally takes place in October. Companies can present themselves on site and make direct contact with our students.  Further information about the event and registration can be found here (opens in a new window).


Support young talents in our region, for example with the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. You can find information about the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship here (opens in a new window).



Master's and Bachelor's theses

Students use scientific methods to work on your problem in a practical way as part of a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. You can concretise this problem together with the university.

Project & concept seminars

In project seminars, students work in teams under the guidance of a professor on specific tasks. These can be, for example, market analyses, advertising campaigns, product tests or the development of rough concepts for organisational topics.
On the "Theory x Practice" (opens in a new window) page, you can gain an insight into a wide variety of projects from the three faculties at HNU that our students have realised in cooperation with companies.

Dual studies

With a dual study programme, you combine vocational training and academic studies. A win-win situation for students, companies and the university, because you can't get any closer to practice than this.
You can find more information on the specific degree programmes offered at HNU here (opens in a new window).

Guest lectures

Experts from the field are very welcome to take part in HNU courses. As part of individual guest lectures, you can present information about your work and new projects, report on current developments in your industry, introduce new methods or software systems, for example, and report on current challenges in your field.

Teaching assignments

Another opportunity to help shape the courses at HNU and to enter into dialogue with the future generation of specialists and managers is to work as a lecturer. Teaching assignments are usually given for one semester and paid on a fee basis. You work independently and are responsible for the content of your courses.

Would you like to supplement your professional career with a teaching assignment? Then find out now about the opportunities for assistant lecturers at HNU (opens in a new window).

Ser­vice Learning

The combination of voluntary work, application of knowledge and methods from the degree programme and focused learning units teaches key skills in social contexts. 


Fur­ther edu­ca­tion


Through lectures, we provide access to expertise and research findings in the field of science. Our competency profile demonstrates the topics we cover.

Topic-specific workshops and seminars

You would like to train your employees on very specific topics. We offer management training and seminars as well as company-specific training concepts in the commercial sector.
You can find more information on the subject of further training and contact persons here (opens in a new window).

Classic further education

The core area of further education at HNU is academic, part-time qualification in the form of Bachelor's and MBA programmes. Further information on the subject of continuing education and contact persons can be found here (opens in a new window).


Consultancy and expert opinions