Star­tup Fest­ival

77 students and 23 professors from eight countries: this is how the Startup Festival, which took place at HNU from 1 to 6 May 2023, can be summarised in figures. As a platform for international networking and exchange of experience in the field of entrepreneurship, the festival offered guest lectures on local start-up ecosystems, city tours and a hackathon, among other things. Here, the organisers provide an insight into the special features of the project. 

Das Bild zeigt das Logo des "bayerisch-schwäbischen Innovationspreis Transfer"

Nominated for the Bavarian-Swabian 
Innovation Award Transfer 2024
of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

What is it all about?

Project manager Prof. Dr Daniel Schallmo: "As part of the DAAD project "International Startup League" (ISUL), the Startup Festival took place for the first time at HNU from 1 to 6 May 2023. In the form of a summer school for students and lecturers from eight countries, the event offered a platform for international networking and exchange of experience in the field of entrepreneurship. In addition to guest lectures on local start-up ecosystems and various topics, the university organised city tours and a hackathon. In the latter, the students developed innovative solutions for sustainability concepts, B2B marketing strategies and the use of artificial intelligence in after-sales processes. The week ended with the presentation of the solutions to a jury, with the winning teams being honoured. The event successfully contributed to the networking of the eleven participating international partner universities with the HNU students and the partner company PineBerry (which set the challenge)."

Das Bild zeigt die internationalen Teilnehmenden des Startup Festivals vor der Hochschule.
The world as a guest on the HNU campus: the international participants of the Startup Festival came from Israel, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Greece, Austria and Slovakia.

The HNU team be­hind the Star­tup Fest­ival

Ver­ena Mattes

is a member of the ISUL project.

Sarah Leible

is a member of the ISUL project.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang

heads the ISUL project. 

The co­oper­a­tion part­ner

Winners of the hackathon with PineBerry founder Rebecca Bregant (top row, fourth from left)
Winners of the hackathon with PineBerry founder Rebecca Bregant (top row, fourth from left)

The non-academic partner of the Startup Festival 2023 was the start-up PineBerry. The company of HNU alumna Rebecca Bregant has the mission to improve access to clean energy, financing opportunities and data in rural Africa (primarily in Kenya).

The hackathon focused on two challenges related to sustainable entrepreneurship. Rebecca Bregant and Danny Friedrich, co-founders of PineBerry, presented the challenges to the students and were always available to answer questions. Together with five professors from HNU and other countries, the two made up the jury for the final presentation.

In­ter­view with Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo and Sarah Leible

[1] How would you describe your project in three key words?

Prof Dr Daniel Schallmo: International, innovative, interactive

[2] What is special about your project? 

Prof Dr Daniel Schallmo: There has never been a summer school or international week on this scale at HNU before. Vice President Prof. Dr Elmar Steurer also emphasised this in his speech at the opening of the Startup Festival. The festival brought HNU a great deal of attention from the participating university partners as well as a large number of international students in the 2023 summer semester.

The idea of organising a network meeting in the form of a summer school in the ISUL project has been around since 2021, when the HNU applied to the DAAD for funding for the overall 'International Startup League' project. The network meeting in the form of a summer school is to be held annually - the second edition took place in Belgium in March 2024.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo
[3] What does transfer mean to you?

Sarah Leible: The term "transfer" refers to the exchange of knowledge, skills, experience and cultural perspectives between individuals from different countries and universities. Overall, personal transfer in the field of international higher education cooperation helps to strengthen cross-border links, promote international mobility and improve the quality of higher education worldwide.

[4] What did you take away from the project - professionally, but also personally? 

Sarah Leible: On a professional level, I have taken away the following: A deeper understanding of the importance of international collaboration and networking in the field of entrepreneurship. Practical insights into various aspects of entrepreneurship, including legal frameworks, project management, team building and social innovation. Experience in dealing with start-ups and potential economic co-operation opportunities. An awareness of the importance of sustainability in business practices and the opportunities to translate this into concrete actions, especially in the context of environmental awareness and efficient use of resources. The application of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence to improve business processes and promote efficiency and resource savings.

On a personal level: A broader intercultural perspective through networking with students and teachers from different countries. The development of skills to integrate and collaborate in multicultural environments. Increased awareness of the importance of social responsibility and sustainable practices in society and in the business environment. Strengthening my teamwork and networking skills.