Beat the Bot

In the negotiating ring with an AI? With a mixture of AI, speech recognition and machine learning in a virtual reality environment, the virtual negotiation training "Beat the Bot" was carried out at HNU's Competence Centre for Growth and Sales Strategies. Here, the team explains what makes this practical collaboration so special.

Das Bild zeigt das Logo des "bayerisch-schwäbischen Innovationspreis Transfer"

Nominated for the Bavarian-Swabian 
Innovation Award Transfer 2024
of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

What is "Beat the Bot" about?

The virtual negotiation training was developed as part of the InnoSÜD sub-project "Sales Lab" (2017-2022) at HNU's Competence Centre for Growth and Sales Strategies together with the company partner TriCAT GmbH. The prototype makes it possible to engage in dialogue with a bot at a virtual negotiating table. By combining speech recognition, artificial intelligence and machine learning in a VR environment, natural negotiation situations can be simulated that can be used in sales training regardless of time and location. 

Das Bild zeigt eine Person mit einer virtuellen Brille an einem Schreibtisch vor einem Bildschirm sitzend. Auf dem Bildschirm sind zwei Personen zu erkennen, die virtuell der Person vor dem Bildschirm gegenüber sitzen.
Virtual negotiation with an AI

The HNU team be­hind Beat the Bot

Prof. Dr. Bar­bara Dannen­mann

 is responsible for the development and implementation of the project.

The co­oper­a­tion part­ner

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von Menschen sitzend. Alle Personen schauen in die gleiche Richtung.
Project staff and InnoSÜD colleagues follow the negotiation training programme

The team developed the prototype with practice partner TriCAT, an Ulm-based company specialising in virtual 3D learning and working environments.

Fortunately, right at the beginning of our research activities, we became aware of TriCAT from Ulm, which was very well positioned in the field of 3D learning environments at the time. Both TriCAT and we were very keen on this exciting project, the success of which was not yet foreseeable at the time.

Prof. Dr. Barbara Dannenmann

In­ter­view with Prof. Dr. Bar­bara Dannen­mann

[1] How would you describe your project in three key words?

Innovative, forward-looking and certainly sweat-inducing :-)

[2] What is special about your project? 

We have combined AI and VR in a negotiation training programme for the first time. This allows you to negotiate with fully automated buyers and win or lose a pitch at the end. This innovation is still attracting attention today and we continue to receive enquiries about this project from all over the world. We were able to utilise our research expertise in the areas of negotiation management, AI and B2B sales for this transfer project and transform it into a complex technological solution.   

[3] What does transfer mean to you?

Transfer is very important to us as a modern university. Only through effective transfer is it possible to translate theoretical knowledge into practical action. Our university supports us in our research with its many laboratories and unique equipment. When we developed "Beat the Bot", we were even accompanied by a transformer. This was worth its weight in gold for our activities at the interface between research and practice.

[4] What do you take away from the project - professionally, but also personally? 

Fully automated negotiation training can complement traditional sales training in the future. We were able to make a scientific contribution to this through publications and specialist articles. Personally, we have grown as a team on this project. The project was extremely complex and multi-layered at the beginning. Developing a functioning prototype at the end was a breakthrough for our research activities, which we are still very proud of today and which is constantly being developed further. We are currently considering the integration of ChatGPT in order to utilise the full potential of GenAI [Generative AI] for all aspects of negotiation training.

The pro­ject in videos

Das Bild zeigt die Aufschrift "Theorie". Im Hintergrund ist ein Bildschirm zu erkennen, vor dem eine Person steht, die eine Präsentation hält.
Das Bild zeigt zwei Personen, die vor einer großen Fensterfront sitzen. Vor den Personen ist ein Schreibtisch zu erkennen.
The idea
Das Bild zeigt zwei Personen sitzend auf Stühlen. Zwischen den Personen ist ein Tisch zu sehen. Die Personen sitzen vor einer Wand, an welcher ein großer Bildschirm hängt.
Game changer for sales training
Das Bild zeigt verschiedene Karten auf einem Tisch.
The realisation