En­tre­pren­eur­ship Cer­ti­fic­ate

The Entrepreneurship Certificate enables students to acquire and expand their basic knowledge of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. There are three levels in total, and it is also possible to receive credit for only individual levels.

The certificate...

  • awakens entrepreneurial interest and offers everyone who wants to start an entrepreneurial business the chance to expand their basic knowledge in many ways.
  • helps to develop own business models under expert guidance.
  • enables you to develop new business concepts as a founder or innovator.
  • enables to further develop innovative and entrepreneurial thinking and acting.
  • can be used as preparation for the future Master's degree.
  • enables students to set priorities through the variety of elective courses (e.g. in the area of social entrepreneurship, design thinking).

Ques­tions about the pro­cess and ob­tain­ing the cer­ti­fic­ate


Level 1 and Level 2

  1. General: At least 15 ECTS or more (depending on the degree programme) must be achieved in the first level. This is possible by attending the courses listed below for the respective degree programme. The courses mainly relate to the fundamentals and specialist areas of the degree programme and the field of business administration.
  2. It is possible to receive credit for courses already attended. Please send us your current transcript of records showing that you have attended and passed the courses.
  3. Please also send a letter of motivation with a summary of the courses you have attended to carina.volk-schor@hnu.de.

The following contents must be included as a minimum in the letter of motivation and the summary:

  • Information on why you would like to obtain the certificate (e.g. own start-up idea, personal interest, etc.)
  • A description or summary of the content of the courses attended in relation to entrepreneurship (How did the courses help you in this area or not?, What could be important aspects for your own start-up or important starting points in the area of intrapreneurship, etc.)

Formal information - summary and letter of motivation

  • 1-1.5 A4 pages (Arial 10-11), 1.5 line spacing
  • Format: PDF file or Word file

Note: Letters of motivation that are typed informally in an e-mail cannot be accepted, please send the contents as a PDF or Word file!

How can ECTS be achieved?

  • Crediting of the listed courses (depending on the degree programme, please read all information in the handbook for the Certificate in Entrepreneurship for your degree programme)
  • Attendance of the compulsory electives described in the handbook (current compulsory electives are updated every semester on the website and can be found here)
  • Credit for courses already attended and successfully completed as well as listed compulsory electives
  • From level 2, certain specialisations can also be credited
  • The Founders Kitchen can be attended from Level 2 and credited as a foundation semester.

The certificate is always issued at the end of a semester. However, you are welcome to submit your documents at any time.

Prerequisite for application

Time of study:
Bachelor's programme: from the 3rd semester
Master's programme: from the 2nd semester

Submission of the following documents:
Letter of motivation
Transcript of grades as confirmation of course completion

Approx. 2 semesters (acquisition of a total of 30 ECTS)

Procedure for the Entrepreneurship certificate for your degree programme

Here you will find all the courses that can be credited to your studies for the Bachelor's degree programmes, Master's degree programmes and continuing education programmes at HNU

Cer­ti­fic­ate En­tre­pren­eur­ship Bach­elor

Cer­ti­fic­ate En­tre­pren­eur­ship Mas­ter pro­grammes

Cer­ti­fic­ate En­tre­pren­eur­ship in Con­tinu­ing Edu­ca­tion