Teach­ing and work­shops

En­tre­pren­eur­ship edu­ca­tion

Interdisciplinary, practice- and innovation-oriented - as a business school, we teach entrepreneurial thinking and action in all HNU degree programmes with the aim of training responsible specialists and managers. Topics relevant to start-ups such as innovation management, business planning, marketing and communication, business model development and management are part of numerous modules in our degree programmes.

With our international partners, students have many opportunities for international courses in the field of innovation and start-ups. You can find more information on this via the International Office (opens in a new window) or in the ISUL project (opens in a new window).

Below you will find our portfolio of application-orientated and practical courses on the topic of start-ups.

Port­fo­lio of courses

Elect­ive Courses, Spe­cial­iz­a­tions & Gen­eral Of­fer­ings on En­tre­pren­eur­ship

At Neu-Ulm University, you'll find a wide range of offerings in teaching related to entrepreneurship. Particularly, the Entrepreneurship focus and numerous elective courses provide special insights into the field, allowing students to deepen their knowledge about entrepreneurship.

En­tre­pren­eur­ship Cer­ti­fic­ate

The Entrepreneurship Certificate enables HNU students to acquire basic knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship. It consists of a total of 3 levels. Students can also acquire only individual levels or have them recognised.

Start-up semester for your start-up idea

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences offers the opportunity to use a semester for your own start-up idea. This can be realised within a semester break or as part of the practical semester through the Founders Kitchen.