Elect­ive Courses, Spe­cial­iz­a­tions & Gen­eral Of­fer­ings on En­tre­pren­eur­ship

Elect­ive Courses

Enrollment in elective programmes is cross-faculty and open to all students in both Bachelor's and Master's programmes.

Elective course"Start-up garage"

You will learn:

  • Practical entrepreneurial thinking and action by developing a problem from idea to final business model with a business plan and pitch in a realistic application example.
  • To understand and develop solutions from the customer and user perspective from the very beginning.
  • To work and operate in interdisciplinary teams.
  • The most important tools.
  • Everything about profitability calculation and validation of business ideas.
  • How to write a business plan and create and deliver a complete elevator pitch to a high-profile jury from the regional business community.

Elective course "Startup"

The compulsory elective course illustrates realistic entrepreneurial challenges on the path to self-employment. Using the example of a surfboard manufacturer, this simulation game covers all the steps involved in setting up a business, from the initial idea to market entry.

Elective course "Startup Camp"

You will learn:

  • How to prepare and present topics in the context of entrepreneurship, startups, and founding companies.
  • About various aspects of startups, including example companies, unique features, and country-specific details.
  • How to work on your own ideas within a team.
  • Conceptual skills, analytical thinking, time management, problem-solving, teamwork, and critical thinking.
  • Teamwork, intercultural competence, and communication.
  • Adaptability, perseverance, individual responsibility, decision-making, creativity, and goal orientation.

Compulsory elective course "Patents, trade marks and designs"

Students gain knowledge of the basics of patents, trade marks and registered designs. The legal requirements for the protection of patents, trade marks and designs in Germany and internationally as well as the economic significance of these property rights for companies, in particular for start-ups, are explained. In addition, patents, trade marks and designs are explained on the basis of numerous practical cases.

Elective course "Applied Design Thinking"

In addition to expanding your methodological skills in design thinking and presentation competencies, you will particularly benefit from the fail-fast principle, which allows for quickly identifying and correcting mistakes. Each semester, you will tackle different challenges posed by renowned companies from the Ulm/Neu-Ulm region.

Fo­cal points

There are up to 20 different specialisations at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. Depending on your degree programme, you can make a selection here.
You can find information about your degree programme here (opens in a new window).

Fur­ther of­fers

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences offers many other programmes on the topic of start-ups.
Here you will find formats that are also offered digitally and can be completed with a certificate.