
Be­come a part of the com­munity!

At HNU, we regularly offer free seminars, workshops and events on startup-related topics for students of all departments, employees, graduates and investors. In addition, you can participate in the diverse offerings from the regional StartupSÜD (opens in a new window) ecosytsem.


Space Ses­sion Vol. 11 - How to start and dont lose your mind!

Event , 06 June 2024, 16:00 :

Starting at 18:30, Space Session Vol. 11 invites all interested parties to an evening of inspiration and networking. Dani König will share her experiences as an entrepreneur and co-founder of Chinkilla, a company specializing in high-quality martial arts clothing and equipment for women. The session will offer valuable insights into the start-up process and encourage women to go their own way.

In this Space Session, we will once again be hosting an exciting female founder who motivates and encourages women to go their own way.

Our speaker:
Dani König is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also the co-founder of Chinkilla, a company that specializes in high-quality martial arts clothing and equipment for women. Chinkilla is committed to empowering women and providing them with the best conditions for their athletic and personal success through workshops and trainings. With her passion and experience in the startup process and martial arts, Dani König offers valuable insight and advice for anyone looking to take the leap into entrepreneurship themselves.

Event details:
📅 Date: June 06
🕕 Time: 18:30 hrs
📍 Location: HNU Founders Space
John-F.-Kennedy-Straße 5-789231 Neu-Ulm

Register here now!

Dani König will hold a self-defense workshop for women in advance. Click here to register for the workshop!




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The Tri­angle

Das Bild zeigt zwei Personen, die einen großen Scheck und eine Urkunde halten. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass sie einen Preis oder eine Auszeichnung gewonnen haben. Eine weitere Person steht daneben und vor dieser Person ist ein Einkaufswagen zu sehen. Es handelt sich um einen Moment der Leistung oder Anerkennung.

The interactive startup event, THE TRIANGLE, informs students, the general public, and businesses in the Ulm/Neu-Ulm region about various topics revolving around entrepreneurship, startups, and startup culture, with changing focal points. Developed as part of the StartupSÜD initiative, the event aims to foster dialogue between startups, former startups, and medium-sized enterprises.

Space Ses­sions

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von Menschen im Freien, die gemeinsam Essen zubereiten. Drei der Personen halten Teig in den Händen. Alle Personen lachen.

The aim of the "SPACE SESSIONS" event series is to make the Founders Space a place of exchange not only in the start-up context, but above all culturally and socially relevant. The events range from lectures to workshops, readings to exhibitions and performances -  everything that is exciting and inspiring for visitors.


Star­tupSÜD Sum­mit

Das Bild zeigt eine Szene bei einer Veranstaltung in einem Innenraum. Es stellt die Interaktion der Teilnehmer dar und zeigt das Vorhandensein von Informationsständen.

Here, the startup scene meets the regional medium-sized businesses. A day full of start-up spirit, know-how, inspiration and networking for all those who want to shape our region. The StartupSÜD SUMMIT brings together entrepreneurs, startups, business angels, experts and scientists in our region into one community.

24h Makea­thon

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von Menschen. Sie heben ihre Hände in einem Raum, vor einer Tafelwand mit der Aufschrift “Founders Space” hat. Im vorderen Bereich des Bildes sind Bierbankgarnituren zu sehen, auf welchen Getränke abgestellt sind.

Let your idea for one of the sustainability challenges of the municipalities grow together with other creative minds within 24 hours (split over two days) to find innovative solutions for your region. 


Fe­male Em­power­ment

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von Frauen in einem Raum, die an einer körperlichen Aktivität oder einem Training teilnehmen. Es scheint, als würden sie sich bewegen oder Übungen machen.

At our interactive workshops, you can be inspired by female founders, talk about your personal challenges in safe space sessions and creatively present your ideas and visions on your personal courage board. Be courageous and grow beyond yourself!

In­vestors & Star­tups

Das Bild zeigt eine Szene in einem modernen, städtischen Raum, in dem eine Person vor einer Gruppe von Menschen präsentiert. Die Gruppe von Menschen sitzen auf Stühlen oder Sofas. Im Hintergrund der präsentierenden Person ist eine Wandtafel mit der Aufschrift „Founders Space“ zu erkennen.

The aim of the event is to bring start-ups into direct dialogue with investors and to ask them questions that you would otherwise not be able to ask. There will also be the opportunity to discuss general trends and developments in the start-up sector with other participants.



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Startup News & Events in der Region Ulm, Neu-Ulm und Biberach!