EX­IST Wo­men

EX­IST Wo­men - The start­ing sig­nal for your start-up pro­ject

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: From the spark of ideas to start-up reality

With EXIST-Women, the HNU FOUNDERS SPACE and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action support women interested in founding a business at universities and research institutions in the pre-founding phase, especially in the development of their entrepreneurial personality and the further development of their business idea.

Here you will find all the information about the EXIST Women funding program: EXIST Women (opens in a new window)

Here you will find a summary of the most important information for participants:

  • Who is EXIST Women aimed at? EXIST Women is aimed at graduates (even if the degree was obtained more than 5 years ago), female scientists, students (holding a Bachelor's degree or having completed ≥ half of their study credits), as well as women with vocational training and connection to the university who are interested in entrepreneurship and wish to participate in a 12-month qualification programme. Participation can be concurrent with studies or professional activities. While it's not mandatory to already have a concrete business idea, those are also supported, even if they are not knowledge- or research-based but oriented towards future economic activities. Women who have previously received entrepreneurship support from federal or state sources are excluded from the funding.
  • What does EXIST Women offer me? 
    • Participation in a 12-month qualification programme for entrepreneurship
    • Individual coaching through the university's start-up network
    • Entrepreneurial support by a mentor  (self-selected or from our network)
    • Nationwide network of female founders
    • One-time material resources worth 2,000 € (e.g., for coaching, travel expenses, or validating your business idea)
    • Optional a 3-month scholarship, if you have no income or work a maximum of 20 hours/week 1,000 – 3,000 €/month (depending on qualification) + child supplement
  • What are my obligations as a participant? You participate in seminars as a founder, regularly attend the relevant events of the start-up network on site, and take appointments for individual consultation through the start-up network as well as for exchange with your mentor. If possible, you should also attend the centrally offered founder forums and networking events. EXIST Women is a measure for start-up sensitization and qualification. There is no obligation to start a company. At the end of the funding, you present your business idea and the results you have worked on in a one-pager concisely and succinctly. If you found a company during the 12-month qualification phase or during subsequent start-up funding - great. But if you want to take more time with the foundation, that's okay too, because entrepreneurial spirit is needed everywhere!
  • Where will I be at the end of the 12-month qualification programme? Through the offers of your university on site and the centrally offered events, you know what is important in starting a business and how to do it. And you have met other female founders who share their experiences around founding with you. You were able to develop a new, viable business idea or further develop your existing idea and validate the business model. You know the next steps for your own foundation and may have even found co-founders or raised follow-up financing.
  • Where does the programme take place? The supervising university qualifies you online or on-site, perhaps also in cooperation with other universities in the region. In addition, you participate in up to four centrally offered EXIST Women events and meet aspiring female founders from all over Germany.
  • Who selects the participants? This is done by the participating universities. Whether EXIST Women is right for you, you will find out in a personal consultation at the start-up network of a university in your area. Female students and graduates from other universities can also apply.
  • Where can I find more information about EXIST-Women? On this website, we have answered frequently asked questions about EXIST-Women in detail in the FAQs. You will also find all the important documents for the application process as well as topics and dates relating to EXIST-Women.

You have fur­ther ques­tions?

Feel free to contact us at: foundersspace[at]hnu[dot]de 

Good luck with your application!