
New at the HNU, new in town? Student residences are probably among the cheapest accommodation options. In Ulm and Neu-Ulm there are various facilities, some of which are run by public and some by private institutions. The prices for the accommodation vary according to location, size and available furnishings.

In public dormitories, the residence time of most institutions is limited to six semesters. Since the allocation of places in the halls of residence is based on the order of incoming applications, it is advisable to look for a room early on. Particularly during the semester, considerable waiting times must be expected.

Student residence - Heinz-Rühmann-Straße, Neu-Ulm
Student residence - Heinz-Rühmann-Straße, Neu-Ulm

In­form­a­tion on avail­able ac­com­mod­a­tion

More detailed information can be obtained from the Studentenwerk Augsburg, students in cooperative degree programmes can also contact the Studierendenwerk Ulm.

Stu­den­ten­werk Augs­burg

(opens in a new window)

Tel: +49 821/59849 -17 / -18 / -19
Universitätsstraße 4
86159 Augsburg

Stud­i­er­enden­werk Ulm

(opens in a new window)

Tel: +49 731/5023846
James-Franck-Ring 8
89081 Ulm

Ac­com­mod­a­tion only trans­itional

If you are looking for accommodation only temporarily or for a certain period of time, you can find it on our accommodation list or the furnished flats list. The location of the individual accommodations is stored in a Google map.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion