More Schol­ar­ships

On this page you will find information on scholarships for undergraduate courses (Bachelor, Diplom, Magister), Post­gradu­ate and Re­search Schol­ar­ships (funding opportunities for Master's students and Bachelor's graduates) and Book Scholarships.

Schol­ar­ships for un­der­gradu­ate courses

Undergraduate courses are courses, which will lead to a first degree (Bachelor, Diploma, Magister).


Scholarships on federal level


State-level funding



  • The Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM supports the international exchange of students between universities in Baden-Württemberg and their partner universities abroad. 


Funding for internships

Post­gradu­ate and Re­search Schol­ar­ships

Funding opportunities for Master's students and Bachelor's graduates.


Scholarships on federal level


State-level funding


Moreover, universities offer specific PhD scholarships. Further information can be found on the websites of the respective university.

Book Schol­ar­ships

The Oskar Karl Forster Foundation makes funds available to the HNU in order to provide support to students for the purchase of books or other learning materials. Study trips can be funded as well. The subsidy of computers or other electronic devices is unfortunately not possible. 6.800 Euros are available and up to 500 Euros can be granted per application.

Who can apply:

Students who are studying at a Bavarian university and who have reached the second semester. The required books and other learning materials have to be approved by a professor with regards to the previous academic performance. The subsidy may only be paid out to persons who are entitled to BAföG or whose income does not exceed a specific limit.
