Ger­man Aca­demic Schol­ar­ship Found­a­tion

Motto: Achievement, initiative, responsibility

The German National Academic Foundation is the oldest and largest organisation for the promotion of gifted students in Germany. The foundation currently supports around 14,000 students and doctoral candidates. Around 3,000 new scholarships are awarded each year.

Selection and funding are independent of political, denominational and ideological guidelines. The funding not only covers the Bachelor's degree programme, but also extends to the Master's degree and possibly to the doctoral thesis.

As a liaison lecturer for the German National Academic Foundation, I would like to pass on my own experiences and encourage HNU students to study with an open, curious, critical and goal-orientated mind.

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Reisach


What services does the Ger­man Aca­demic Schol­ar­ship Found­a­tion offer?

  • Monthly book allowance (€300) for all scholarship holders, living stipend (max. BAFÖG maximum rate) (depending on parental income) as well as subsidies for health insurance and family allowance/childcare allowance
  • Personal counselling by liaison lecturers and lecturers
  • Communication platform (Daidalosnet ) for students and lecturers, internship exchange)
  • Summer academies, academic colleges, short conferences, academies
  • Scholarships abroad, postgraduate scholarships, language courses, meetings abroad, career information days
  • Network of Studienstiftung alumni with regional groups in Germany and abroad
  • Scholarship holders make a programme, shaping society

What are the requirements?

Students with the following qualifications are eligible to apply:

1. Formal requirements:

  •     Studies at a university, university of applied sciences, state university of art and music in Germany or studies at a university abroad
  •     German citizenship
  •     Students from EU member states, provided they are studying in Germany and are seeking a degree here.
  •     Other foreign students who have acquired the German higher education entrance qualification and are permanently authorised to reside in Germany.
  •     The Studienstiftung supports students up to the end of the standard period of study (including Master's degree), but not for second, additional or postgraduate studies. Doctoral scholarships can be applied for independently of previous scholarships.

2. Personal and academic requirements:

  •     Excellent knowledge of the field of study
  •     Interests and activities outside the field of study (sustainable)
  •     Political convictions, ideology and religion do not play a role in the selection process.
  •     Achievements are assessed in context (i.e. the path travelled or any biographical hurdles are also taken into account).

3. General prerequisites:

  •     Curiosity and enjoyment of intellectual challenges
  •     Genuine interest in intensive dialogue with other people and cultures
  •     Perseverance to deal with non-subject-specific topics in depth
  •     Willingness to perform and motivation
  •     Communication and articulation skills
  •     Social competence
  •     Extracurricular interests and commitment
  •     Willingness to take on social responsibility out of conviction.

How can I apply?

  • Applications can be made by suggestion (schools, examination offices (3rd-4th semester), university lecturers), as a self-application or as part of a student competition.
  • You will be invited to the Studienstiftung's selection seminar (usually a weekend).
  • There is an opportunity to convince the jury in a personal interview (2 individual interviews and 6 group discussions including a short presentation).

Where can I get more information?

Further information can be found on the website of the Ger­man Aca­demic Schol­ar­ship Found­a­tion.

The scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation is characterised above all by its non-material support. Summer academies, language trips, company visits, specialist lectures and joint meetings of regional scholarship holders help to establish contacts and gain great experiences alongside everyday study life. I can only recommend taking part in the selection process, the chances are often better than expected.

Florian Schneller, Scholarship holder

Where can I get coun­selling?

You can obtain advice and support from our liaison lecturer Prof Dr Ulrike Reisach. Arrange a counselling session or contact Ms Reisach if you are interested in a consultation for a Studienstiftung scholarship or if you have general questions about the funding programme.


Pro­fess­orin Dr. Ul­rike Re­isach

Scholarship counselling

Liaison lecturer of the Ger­man Aca­demic Schol­ar­ship Found­a­tion

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1512

Location: Main Building A, A.1.53

To profile of Professorin Dr. Ulrike Reisach

Professorin Dr. Ulrike Reisach