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Selina Her­rmann

Study programmes:  Business Studies in Healthcare Management (BA) / Business Administration and Entrepreneurship (MA) at University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten

Employer: Vetter Pharma

Position: Recruiter

Why did you decide to study at HNU?
I became aware of my study programme through a friend who had also studied at HNU. It appealed to me directly because it was the perfect mix of health and business administration and I had many points of contact with the topic of health care from an early age through my parents. In addition, HNU seemed to me to be a very innovative university, which definitely showed in reality during my studies.

What tips can you give young people who are looking for the right study programme?
I would advise all young people to listen to their gut feeling and also what strengths they had at school. My favourite subject at school was economics, so it quickly became clear to me that my studies should also go in that direction.

What tips would you give students in your degree programme?
Try to take in as much as possible. HNU offers lots of options and practical projects. The study trip to Tanzania was also a great enrichment and the different events offered at HNU are always worth a visit.

Semester abroad: Which country were you in and what did you experience during this time?
I spent my semester abroad in Finland, in Lahti to be precise. This was really the best decision I made in my entire studies. I met so many different and nice people, was able to improve my English significantly and will definitely never forget the time!

What was your first job like and how did you find out about it?
I was lucky enough to get a job as a working student during my Master's degree at the company I am working for now and was able to move straight into a permanent position afterwards. This would also be my tip for future graduates: Starting out with an internship or a working student job makes things so much easier.

Which experiences from your studies at HNU have proven valuable in your professional life?
Definitely the various practical projects with companies and of course the internship semester were very valuable for my future professional life.

How would you complete the following sentence?
"really allowed me to have a great time as a student, and unfortunately I missed some of the innovative concepts there in my Master's at another university."