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Florian Schercher

Alumnus Florian Schercher

Study programme: Business Studies (Diploma) (now:  Business Studies (B.A.))

Employer: ConMoto Consulting Group

Position: Partner

What tips can you give young people who are looking for the right degree programme?
It helped me on my career path that I was broadly based right from the start. After training as an industrial clerk, I went on to study business administration. I can only recommend to everyone not to specialise too early on, so that a broad and well-founded knowledge keeps many opportunities open for starting a career and for personal development.

For what reasons did you decide to study at HNU?
HNU is deeply rooted in the region and very well connected to the Swabian economy without neglecting its international orientation. This combination is a great environment for personal development within the framework of a course of study and the transfer from theory to practice through network partners.

What experiences during your studies have had a particular impact on you?
Networking and cooperation with fellow students from different disciplines was particularly formative, whether in group work, in student representation or in other committees.

What did your first job look like and how did you find out about it?
After my studies, I started working for a management consultancy specialising in the reorganisation and restructuring of family businesses. It was important for me to start working on projects and to be able to gather as many impressions as possible from different companies at short notice.

Please describe your everyday work. Which projects are you working on and which tasks do you particularly appreciate?
My daily work consists of realigning companies that are in a crisis situation together with my colleagues, implementing defined measures and thus creating sustainable profitability and competitiveness for the company. In addition, there is a lot of administrative work, such as staff appraisals, target agreements with colleagues and the acquisition of new projects.

How would you complete the beginning of the following sentence?
"-time was great to create a broad basis for personal development.