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Danny Röl­lig

Portrait Dan­ny Röl­lig

Study programme:  Industrial Engineering / Logistics (BEng)

Employer: Amazon Logistics

Position: Project Engineering Manager

What were your school days like?
Back then, learning wasn't my first priority at school. Accordingly, my grades were not particularly good and I eventually failed the 10th grade. Maths and physics were my main weaknesses. In addition, I didn't know how to study properly back then. That has changed now and I can better assess myself and my learning behaviour and learn effectively.

Why did you decide to study at HNU?
Because I saw and still see the advantages of the cooperative strudy programme with the Ulm University of Technology; in other words: one degree programme, two universities.

What experiences during your studies have had a particular impact on you?
Even before I started my studies at HNU, I knew that I wanted to focus specifically on the technical subjects. You can't compare learning at university with learning at school in school. That's why I had to learn how to learn first and foremost. The easiest way to do that is to take advantage of the opportunities HNU offers. The hard learning paid off in retrospect. I was even able to hold the pre-course in mathematics and a tutorial and thus earn some extra money while studying.

What tips would you give students on your degree programme?
Definitely establish contacts with students in the higher semesters to get tips on lectures and exams. You should also attend all lectures and follow everything carefully. In addition, the tutorials offer a great opportunity to exchange ideas and clarify open questions.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
You should start looking around while you're still studying. A bachelor's thesis in a company also offers a great opportunity to gain some work experience and, with a bit of luck, you might even be offered a job.

What was your first job like and how did you find out about it?
My first job was as a factory and interior planner at EvoBus GmbH in Mannheim. I became aware of the position through a recruiter on Xing.

Please describe your everyday working life. What projects do you work on and what tasks do you particularly enjoy?
I am currently working as a project engineering manager at Amazon Logistics. I am responsible for planning new delivery stations in Europe. It starts with the detailed planning on the PC with AutoCAD and the close coordination with the various stakeholders and suppliers. Then the orders for the planned equipment are placed. Finally, the implementation planning takes place on site and the coordination of the many external companies that set up the inventory. What I like about my job is how something from the planning on the computer is implemented in reality - it's a great feeling.

What are your professional goals for your future?
For my future, I aspire to a position as a manager with personnel responsibility.

How would you complete the following sentence?
"offers super opportunities to prepare for professional life."