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Car­oline Mittmann

Study programme:  Business Studies (Diploma) (now: Business Studies (BA))

Employer: people-s-place GmbH

Position: Management

Contact: LinkedIn-profile (opens in a new window) / XING-profile (opens in a new window) / Instagram-profile (opens in a new window)

What areas of interest did you have as a younger person?
I did a lot of sports as a young person and was really only on sports fields (athletics, football, handball). I still think sport is great. It's a great balance to professional life!

What experiences during your studies have had a particular impact on you?
My main studies (International Business) and my two internships at s.Oliver and IBM.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
I work in the field of international recruiting. Working with graduates (m/f/d) is an integral part of my everyday work. My three top tips that you should definitely consider as a young professional: 1) create top application documents, 2) be open and 3) apply for a job for the right reasons! Salary is not everything! Making the right career choice at the beginning paves the way for an exciting and hopefully fulfilling career. Sometimes, however, it's a roundabout way. What counts is: the will to learn, to contribute and to be diligent!

Please describe your everyday working life. What projects do you work on and what tasks do you particularly appreciate?
My agency people-s-place works in the field of international recruiting. My multilingual team works daily on international projects for which our clients are looking for the best possible staff. I lead the team together with my team leader, but I also like to recruit myself. The day-to-day business is incredibly exciting. In our profession, you get to know so many great and, above all, different people, professions and industries.

How would you complete the following sentence?
"is exactly the right place to learn everything you need for a successful start to your professional life!"