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An­nika Weiß

Portrait von Annika Weiß.

Study programme: Industrial Engineering (BEng)

Employer: Alois Kober GmbH

Position: Officer Operational Excellence

Contact: LinkedIn-profile (opens in a new window)

Straightforward or via detours: What was your school career like and what interests did you have as a younger person?
My school path was very straightforward. After my general Abitur, I started my industrial engineering studies at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences directly afterwards. Looking back at my interests during my school years, the choice of a degree programme is rather surprising, as I have always focused very strongly on practical things. In retrospect, however, I am very happy about my decision to study at HNU. The early start to my studies enabled me to graduate at the age of 21. This allowed me to start gaining professional experience at a young age.

What tips would you give to students in your degree programme?
I would recommend students of industrial engineering to start early with the selection of elective subjects and coursework. I already took my first elective subject in the third semester and, in retrospect, I can highly recommend this step. If possible, I would also write one of the two seminar papers in the third or fourth semester so that I don't put myself under pressure in the sixth semester. There, the scope can also become too much with the amount of subjects in addition to the compulsory subjects. This could take up an additional semester if necessary. Another tip from me would be to take elective subjects via the Virtual University of Bavaria. The offer at the virtual university gives everyone the opportunity to find out about and promote their personal interests and strengths in addition to the compulsory electives offered at their own university. In addition, subjects with a higher time commitment are offered, which can also have an advantage, as fewer subjects have to be taken in order to achieve the prescribed number of ECTS.

What was your first job like and how did you become interested in it?
My current and first job was offered to me while I was writing my bachelor thesis in the same company. I work in the Industrial Engineering department in the Operational Excellence area. My focus is on investment management and savings projects, which I supervise and report for the locations worldwide. I have already completed my practical semester in this department, worked as a student trainee and was in the process of writing my bachelor's thesis. It was a great opportunity to get a job in this already well-known company. Therefore, my tip to all students is to already make an effort during the practical experience like in the internship semester and to take advantage of the opportunity. Companies are often interested in taking on students.

What are your professional goals for the future?
For my future, I am looking forward to continuing to gain the necessary professional experience and equally to further my education. I am currently taking part in the "Six Sigma Green Belt" and have already attended a seminar on "Investment Controlling". Further education in combination with gaining professional experience is the ultimate goal for my near future. For these reasons, I have decided to pursue further education in the form of a part-time Master's degree. In the long term, my goals are to consolidate knowledge in the form of experience and to take on responsibility. I could therefore also imagine a position with personnel responsibility for my future.

How would you complete the following sentence beginning?
"prepared me very well for my future professional life."