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Armin in Canada

13.09.2023, In­tern­ship Abroad :

Armin opted for a foreign internship in Montreal and worked there in the project management of the software company Cerence Technologies. Here, the student of Industrial Engineering shares his experiences.

Study Programme
5th Semester
Cerence Technologies Inc.
Montreal, Canada
February to August 2022



What was your main motivation to go abroad?

During my time as a working student at Cerence Technologies Inc., I had the idea to complete my intership semester abroad. After discussing with my supervisor, the opportunity arose to work in a project management team in Montreal. I gratefully accepted this opportunity.

Overall, I had the privilege of enjoying six months filled with new experiences, friendships and insights, and I'm thrilled that I pushed myself to undertake the internship semester in Canada.


What were your biggest concerns?

One of my biggest concerns was the work visa. A work visa is considerably more complex compared to a regular visa and took a total of three months to obtain. Therefore, it's advisable to first deal with the visa to avoid any delays. Additionally, I couldn't find a handball team to train with. However, the diverse cultural offerings quickly made up for this. During the first few months, I mainly attended concerts and dined at various restaurants.

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

Absolutely. Towards the end of my internship, I noticed that I was enjoying the work much more, as I was able to work much more independently compared to the beginning. Getting feedback from my supervisor that I was a great help to her and that she would like to keep me on longer was fantastic. My trips into the vast expanse of Canadian nature and to cities like Quebec, Toronto, New York and Washington were also very impressive.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

During my internship in project management, I had the freedom to choose whether I wanted to work from home or in the office, which I consider to be a great option for my professional future.

View of the Montreal skyline

Were your expectations met?

Absolutely. Overall, I had the privilege of enjoying six months filled with new experiences, friendships and insights, and I'm thrilled that I pushed myself to undertake the internship semester in Canada.

Im­pres­sions of Canada