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Anna in the USA

19.04.2023, In­tern­ship Abroad :

Anna completed an internship abroad at an American subsidiary of Wieland Group. Here she reports on her experiences.

Study Programme
5th Semester
Wieland North America, Inc.
Louisville, USA
March to September 2022



What was your main motivation to go abroad?

My main motivation was to get to know another (working) culture first hand.

What were your biggest concerns?

I was the only intern Wieland had ever sent to the subsidiary in the USA, so I had to fight my way through the entire visa application process on my own. I was also accommodated alone in a small flat and didn't know anyone (except for my work colleagues via FaceTime call). However, I was well distracted by all the preparations and could only really deal with it when I was sitting on the plane - and it was virtually already too late for "second guessing". :) On site, it helped me a lot that everyone was super hospitable and I made friends with my colleagues much faster than I thought.

[...] just do it! Everything will fall into place - you just have to be open to new experiences.


Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

Definitely yes! You get out of your comfort zone and can gain valuable cultural impressions and experiences. This broadens your horizons and contributes a lot to your personal development.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

What I definitely took away was that cultural differences can be incredibly diverse and exciting and that one often has a stereotypical image of foreign cultures. That first has to dissolve. In addition, I have become more open-minded and much more relaxed through my stay abroad and through overcoming all the challenges, such as the preparation or the small stumbling blocks on site. :)

Were your expectations met?

My expectations were not only met, but exceeded. I made dear friends, expanded my cultural competences and got to know a completely new working environment. I am very grateful for that!

The Wieland Group's Louisville subsidiary

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experience abroad?

Although I had thought a lot about the internship abroad beforehand, everything turned out differently (and therefore much better!) than I had planned. So just go for it! Everything will work out - you just have to be open to new experiences.

Fun Fact

On my first day, I was shopping in the supermarket and told the cashier that I would like to buy a bag. He reacted totally perplexed and finally, after asking several times, gave me a plastic bag, half annoyed, half curious. After paying, he then packed my entire purchase in plastic bags - as is customary in the USA. Embarrassed, I gave him back the bag and cleared up the misunderstanding.

Im­pres­sions from the USA