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Atena in Mad­rid

31.08.2022, Study Abroad :

Atena spent a semester abroad at our partner university Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid. Read here about her experiences.

Study Programme
8th Semester
Host Institution
Rey Juan Carlos Univ. (URJC)
Madrid, Spain
January 2022 to May 2022

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

I always wanted to live abroad for a longer period of time and a semester abroad was the best way for me to finally take this step. It was clear to me that I definitely wanted to do a semester abroad to get out of my comfort zone. It allowed me to broaden my personal horizons, because moving to a foreign country is a challenge in itself. I knew that I would learn an incredible amount about myself with a longer stay abroad. Such a move meant leaving my familiar life in Germany behind, but for that very reason it was a chance for me to discover a completely new side of myself. I wanted to face that fear and put myself in unknown situations so that I could prove to myself that I could do it on my own. I was excited by the thought of coming out of myself and discovering new facets of my own personality. Of course, it also gave me the opportunity to travel and experience a new culture first hand, because you can only really get to know the people and the city when you live in a foreign place for a longer period of time. You don't have that opportunity on a short holiday, so it was clear to me that I would learn a lot about Spanish culture and lifestyle by spending a semester abroad in Madrid.

I became more independent and self-confident abroad.


What were your biggest concerns? 

Moving to Madrid was the bravest thing I ever did. I still remember how scared I was when I went to the airport. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to cope with the foreign language, even though I had learned Spanish before. I doubted myself whether I could manage to communicate with the people there. I was also worried whether I would be able to find my way around in a metropolis of millions like Madrid. The fear that I would not be able to orient myself in the big city or that I would not feel at home was great before my arrival. Of course, I was also forced to start from scratch on my own, to make new friends and situations like looking for a flat also scared me. But I was always aware that I could overcome these hurdles and my fears vanished into thin air as soon as I arrived in Madrid. I noticed for myself that despite my beginner's Spanish, I could communicate well in everyday situations. I also quickly learned new words. I felt at home and suddenly it had even become a habit to live my everyday life in Spanish.

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

I can recommend a stay abroad to anyone who wants to experience something new. Through a semester abroad, I have become a different person, namely a person who can face the unknown and is simply more open to the unfamiliar. I broadened my horizons, gained new knowledge and also learned to speak a new language better. The experiences one will have during a semester abroad are not comparable to our life in Germany. For better or worse, looking back, it was the most valuable and educational 6 months of my life.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

Above all, I learned that I can do anything if I want to. I only realised abroad that this step would really be something special. I became more independent and self-confident abroad. I could now trust myself more and tackle new hurdles with more confidence. Above all, organising and embarking on my semester abroad helped me to strengthen my personality and confidence in myself. I made many great new acquaintances who now feel like a second family to me, so one of the most valuable things from my time abroad was the people I got to meet.

The Rey Juan Carlos University, which Atena attended.

Were your expectations met?

My expectations of my semester abroad were absolutely fulfilled! I imagined many things beforehand, but the reality looked even better. I found a new home in Madrid. I had expected to improve my Spanish, but now I can say that I can get by there without any problems. Whether in pharmacies or supermarkets, I can now talk to real Spaniards and even have spontaneous conversations. I've discovered a lot about Spain and the culture there, and I've been able to study at a great university, so my expectations have been completely exceeded.

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experience abroad?

Even if you don't expect it, a first-aid kit and health insurance abroad were absolutely essential! Whether you're in an exotic location or within the EU, you won't regret having covered yourself. Besides, you can travel the whole country and discover the culture and still study successfully if you organise yourself well beforehand!

Fun Fact

The Spanish eat dinner much later than we do in Germany. When we once sat down in a restaurant at 7 pm, it was still completely empty and the waitress looked at us a bit surprised! So it's better to eat a little later and don't forget - you don't eat paella for dinner in Spain!

Im­pres­sions of Spain