Mem­ber of the Bundestag Al­ex­an­der En­gel­hard learns about cur­rent AI pro­jects at the TTZ Gün­zburg

11.04.2023, Trans­fer :

Last week, Alexander Engelhard, Member of the Bundestag for the Neu-Ulm/Günzburg constituency since 2021, visited the Technology Transfer Center (TTZ) in Günzburg. He informed himself on site about current AI projects and visited the operation of a cooperation partner.

Together with companies, the TTZ works on research and development projects in the field of data analytics & artificial intelligence. One concrete application example is the automation of tire carcass preparation at Rigdon GmbH in Günzburg; a project for which funding has been applied for from the German Federal Environmental Foundation. The aim is to increase automation, relieve employees of dust-intensive and physically demanding tasks, increase the competitiveness of retreaded truck tires and save raw materials, energy and CO2.

During a tour of the plant, the member of the Bundestag was able to gain an impression of the complex tire retreading process. "With the TTZ, companies from the districts of Günzburg and Neu-Ulm have a competent contact for all questions regarding artificial intelligence. Research and development make an important contribution to value creation and thus to the prosperity of our society," said MdB Alexander Engelhard, assessing his impressions at the TTZ. He added that it is very important to advocate for funding and financing and also to train junior staff accordingly with new AI courses of study.

Interested companies can contact the TTZ experts on the TTZ website - - or by mail at

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From left to right: Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune, Scientific Director of the TTZ Günzburg; Member of the German Bundestag Alexander Engelhard; Günter Ihle, Managing Director Rigdon GmbH; Andreas Bayer, Commercial Director of the TTZ Günzburg