HNU alumna presents at in­ter­na­tional con­fer­ence in Ghana

22.12.2022, Study :

In her bachelor thesis, HNU alumna Sophie Westfahl developed a novel programming framework for an augmented reality application. Now, the former IMUK student has presented her results at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) conference in Accra, Ghana, and received a Best Paper Award.  

The 23-year-old, who completed her bachelor's degree in Information Management and Corporate Communications (IMUK) at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), was able to present her innovative approach to implementing a multi-variant augmented reality mobile application to an international audience. At this year's ITU Kaleidoscope Conference, which took place from December 7 to 9 in Accra, Ghana, experts from the field of information and communication technologies presented their research on the topic "Extended Reality - How to boost quality of experience and interoperability".

Third place in the Best Paper Award

The paper entitled "A framework for the design, implementation and evaluation of a multi-variant Augmented Reality application", written by Sophie Westfahl together with HNU supervisor Prof. Dr. Dany Meyer and Prof. Dr. Antoine Bagula (University of Western Cape, South Africa), not only passed the double-blind peer review process, but was also awarded as one of the three best papers this year.

Sophie Westfahl
Prof. Dr. Dany Meyer