HNU pro­ject "In­ter­na­tional Star­tup League" presen­ted at DAAD con­fer­ence

30.11.2022, In­ter­na­tional :

Neu-Ulm University (HNU) was represented at this year's program conference of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the HAW.International funding program from November 23 to 26 in Berlin. The research assistants Sarah Leible and Verena Mattes presented the DAAD-funded project "International Startup League" (ISUL), which promotes international entrepreneurship at HNU.

The DAAD program initiative HAW.International supports universities of applied sciences in preparing their students even better for a globalized labor market and qualifying them, together with their practice partners, as specialists for the German economy. At the same time, this program aims to advance the internationalization process both broadly and across all levels of the university. The HNU project ISUL, which aims to consolidate international cooperation, expand digital, international and practice-oriented study programs and promote networking between teaching, administration and research, is one of the projects funded in this program.

Important mutual exchange on DAAD-funded international projects

In addition to multifaceted keynotes and plenary discussions, representatives of German universities were given the opportunity to present their funded international projects to each other at this year's program meeting in Berlin. ISUL was presented by the two research assistants Sarah Leible and Verena Mattes, who found especially the input from other project leaders helpful for the still young HNU project. The insightful exchange is to be consolidated in the future. The learning from the conference workshops - among others on the topics "Measures to establish a welcoming culture throughout the entire student life cycle", "Digitally supported international partnerships and collaborations" and "English Professional Writing" - will also be incorporated into the work on the ISUL project in the future. The personal exchange with other universities and the DAAD is essential for the own project work: This was the conclusion of the conference, which was drawn not only by the HNU participants, but also by all conference participants in the concluding wrap-up.

Further information on the HAW.International program:

Contact persons at HNU
Sarah Leible (opens in a new window)
Verena Mattes (opens in a new window)

 (opens enlarged image)
Verena Mattes and Sarah Leible (from left to right) presented the ISUL project at the HAW.International program conference in Berlin