Lec­ture at TTZ Gün­zburg: From Siri to park­ing as­sist­ants - How can ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence make our every­day lives easier?

22.11.2022, Trans­fer :

On November 8, Prof. Dr. Achim Dehnert  from the Technology Transfer Center Günzburg (TTZ) and the University of Applied Sciences, gave an insight into the future technology of artificial intelligence. In his lecture in cooperation with the Volkshochschule Günzburg, he highlighted current trends and developments in AI and classified them technologically and socially.

"We frequently encounter artificial intelligence in everyday life: face recognition to unlock smartphones or computers, voice assistants such as Alexa and Siri, or the assistance systems in modern cars" Prof. Dehnert explained the current state of technical development. "The knowledge transfer of AI topics to society is an important concern for us. Artificial intelligence is a key technology of the knowledge society. My recommendation to all citizens: stay curious!"

Topics related to AI, such as cybersecurity, smart home and robotics, were also touched upon. The opportunity to ask questions was actively used. A continuation as a lecture series is planned.

About the Technology Transfer Center (TTZ)

The Technology Transfer Center Günzburg is an institution of the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm and exists since autumn 2020 at the location Günzburg. Its main task is to transfer scientific findings in the field of artificial intelligence to companies in the region and to expand cooperation with local companies in applied research projects. Interested companies can contact the TTZ experts on the website - www.hnu.de - or by e-mail at info-ttz@hnu.de.

Spectators at the lecture. (opens enlarged image)