User Ex­per­i­ence Pro­ject with Bosch Mo­bil­ity

20.07.2021, Study :

How can we help private individuals and/or suppliers transport heavy or bulky things from A to B over the "last mile"? This question was addressed by 13 teams of HNU students in a cooperation project with the company Bosch. In addition to a large portion of practical experience, there were pizza vouchers for all teams and prize money for the three best groups.

1 practice partner, 13 teams, 125 students of the Information Management and Corporate Communication (IMUK) degree programme: For the subject UX Project, Prof. Patricia Franzreb's course worked on the problem of the practice partner Bosch Mobility over the entire summer semester. At the end of the project, the students presented their results via Zoom, analogue prototypes were allowed to be demonstrated live in the Innovation Space and tested by the cooperation partner.

The three best teams were allowed to share prize money of 500 euros among themselves, and each group also received pizza vouchers. In particular, the cooperation with a well-known and successful company was very well received by the students. One student said that this project was one of the reasons why one should study IMUK.


Common benefit for both sides

Not only the students benefit from this project, but also the Bosch company.

"The students were highly motivated and enthusiastic about the topic from the very first minute. As a company, it is always great to have a question solved by unbiased, young and committed people. Their solution concepts are often simply more open and daring. This is not my or our first project with HNU and it certainly won't be the last," said Christian Neudel, Innovation Program Manager at Bosch Mobility Innovation Hub.