Transcul­tural Hack­a­thon: Co­oper­a­tion between Is­raeli Col­lege and HNU

07.05.2021, Study :

The S.E.H. International Challenge in June is all about creative approaches to current challenges in healthcare: students from Tel Hai College in Israel and HNU will be working together digitally from 17 to 18 June 2021 to find solutions for Mazor Hospital in Israel.

The S.E.H. International Challenge addresses issues around entrepreneurship and innovation in the fields of science, environment and human welfare.

Under the direction of HNU Prof. Dr. Jens Pätzmann and Prof. Dr. Eli Gimmon (Tel Hai College), German and Israeli students from both universities are taking on the challenges currently facing the Mazor Hospital in Israel. In mixed teams, they work on relevant issues, find creative solutions and prepare them in pitches. The team with the best idea that can be implemented wins the S.E.H. International Challenge.  

Other partners of the event are the Directorate of State Medical Centres of Israel and the MIGAL - International Research Institute.

[Translate to English:] PowerPoint-Folie, auf der alle Partner-Logos zu sehen sind. (opens enlarged image)