In­dustry 4.0 Sup­ply Chain Hack­a­thon – ap­ply now!

23.09.2020, Study :

From 16 to 20 November 2020 a hackathon will take place at HNU. Details can be found at:

The Industry 4.0 Supply Chain Hackathon is a response to the increasing demand of IoT (Internet-of-Things) and Industry 4.0 applications and business models in various industries. Applications either aim to increase transparency, increase value, or to develop new services and solutions.

Hence, the business side is driving the application development that is based on technology. Examples are light barriers, RFID-technology, cameras, or temperature sensors. Light barriers, i.e. control the amount of products that pass a certain area. The latest applications even implement artificial intelligence solutions.

Many firms lack the capabilities to either develop the business case, or to setup and implement the needed IT-infrastructure, or miss an understanding of good data analytic processes. Therefore, we decided to train our students in that area. Besides that, not only students are invited, also firms can participate in our reception (Wednesday, see Schedule) and get inspired by this year´s demonstrators.

Further information: (opens in a new window)

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