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The "new nor­mal": man­age­ment skills in the health­care sec­tor

09.02.2024, Study :

The healthcare sector will face significant challenges in the coming years. To successfully master these developments, new management skills are required, as HNU Professor Dr Alexander Würfel explains in the "KU special Study GuidePLUS 2024 - Profession & Career in the Healthcare Industry". These skills are taught in the degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Healthcare Management at HNU.

Digitalisation in the healthcare sector must not be limited to the use of new technologies, emphasises Prof. Dr Alexander Würfel. Rather, it must be considered holistically and across all professions - especially against the backdrop of demographic change and the shortage of skilled labour. If patients are no longer just seen as passive recipients of services, but are more actively involved, the role of managers in (change) management must also be rethought. Digitalisation represents the basis or the link for such new care processes. It is also important to integrate new job profiles - e.g. the physician assistant - well. Only with networked thinking and interdisciplinary communication, emphasises Prof. Dr Würfel, can the healthcare system be shaped in the future.

The degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Health Management at HNU focus on this interface between management, medicine and technology and provide students with the skills that the healthcare system of the future will need.

Applications for these degree programmes are still possible until 15 February: 

Contact person
Prof. Dr. Alexander Würfel

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