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5th Nurs­ing Man­age­ment Con­gress: Best Prac­tice Ex­change for Ex­cel­lent Care

29.09.2023, Uni­versity News :

There was a large crowd at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) on 21 and 22 September: Together with the University and Rehabilitation Clinic Ulm (RKU), the Faculty of Health Care Management invited more than 350 guests to the 5th Nursing Management Congress. Under the motto "Learning from the best", the event served as an intensive exchange about the future of high-quality patient care.

This year, the Ulm Nursing Management Congress - a regular event at RKU since 2015 - was held jointly with HNU for the first time. Both institutions are linked by a long-standing transfer and research cooperation in the fields of care management and digital innovations; the joint organisation of this year's congress represents another milestone in the cooperation.

Learning from the best: incentive and ethical obligation

Successful innovations result from the interplay of knowledge from different sources and the cooperation of different actors in a network, emphasised Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister, Dean of the Faculty of Health Care Management, in her welcoming speech. "The focus is always on the benefit for our patients - our motto 'Learning from the best' therefore means both an incentive and an ethical obligation."

After the welcoming speeches Initiator Helene Maucher, Nursing Director at the RKU and Head of Corporate Strategy Nursing at Sana Kliniken AG , as well as Dr. med. Yorck-Bernhard Kalke and RKU Nursing Director Robert Jeske, Danny van Heusden from the Universiteit Antwerpen, Ulm Mayor Gunter Czisch, Neu-Ulm Second Mayor Johannes Stingl and - via video message - Minister of State Klaus Holotschek also welcomed the 350 guests to the HNU campus.

Multifaceted impulses for high-quality patient care

A dense and varied programme then awaited the participants: for two days, they had the opportunity to listen to various expert lectures, to participate in intensive discussions and to inform themselves about innovations and developments through market stalls and poster presentations. The spectrum ranged from innovative approaches in nursing to leadership and development opportunities for nurses and the resulting opportunities and strengths for the nursing profession. But informal exchange was not neglected in the congress programme either: a come-together party on Thursday evening offered a relaxed opportunity to expand one's own network.

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister