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Bar­celona ex­cur­sion of the fac­ulty of health man­age­ment in­clud­ing field study

15.07.2022, Study :

23 students of the Faculty of Health Management participated in the excursion to Barcelona in mid-May 2022. In addition to visits to health-specific institutions and expert lectures, a field study was conducted this year.

The optional one-week excursion to Barcelona, Spain was a special highlight for the 23 students of the Faculty of Health Care Management.

The students of the study programs Management for Health and Care Professions, Business Administration in Health Care and Information Management in Health Care got a deep insight into the local health care system and its culture during this excursion, which was led by Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister.

In addition to informative visits to institutes such as the Goethe Institute in Barcelona and lectures on the historical background of medicine in this city, the students had the task of conducting a field study, which was coached by Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister and the research assistant Ms. Jaumann. The results will be published at the HNU.

First, the students were given the different topics: "Academization of nursing in Spain" and "Covid 19: Experiences with Spanish pandemic management", for which a suitable study design, relevant questions and a questionnaire were developed. On the first day, the developed research design was presented to the coaches and adapted after feedback was received. In the next step, the students created questionnaires with different tools and recruited study participants. Conducting the surveys then gave the students the opportunity to engage in direct exchange with Spanish study participants. They experienced great interest and openness towards participating in the study - in addition to the professional insights, a successful intercultural exchange.

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