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Bay­ern­Ment­or­ing starts suc­cess­fully with 36 par­ti­cipants

30.11.2020, Study :

Every winter semester, Bayern Mentoring PROFI starts for female students in the higher semester. This year the kick-off event for the 18 new mentees took place digitally. Among the mentors are three former HNU mentees of BayernMentoring.

New to the programme since the winter semester are 18 mentees, who got to know each other at a virtual kick-off event and then, in small groups, also their mentors. At the beginning, the students were also able to take part in the impulse workshop "Perception I Reflection I Decision-making", which was aimed at developing initial mentoring goals and creating a common level of communication. In order to maintain virtual contact in the group and to offer other interested students a low-threshold opportunity for contact, virtual coffee breaks will be held every Monday from 12 to 12:30 pm.

Support in starting a career: by women for women

The mentors from the business world give the 36 participants in the programme insights into their know-how and experience in working life in joint seminars, online workshops and personal or virtual meetings. The mentors are currently employed by the following companies, among others: Kühne + Nagel, Ulm-Dornstadt; Daimler AG, Ulm and Stuttgart; Dachser, Kempten; Wieland Werke, Ulm; Uhlmann Pac-Systeme, Laupheim; Spherea, Ulm; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Oberkochen; TFU Ulm/Neu-Ulm or are self-employed entrepreneurs.

To the BayernMentoring PROFI programme

For female students in technical courses of study, participation in mentoring with female mentors from industry (BayernMentoring PROFI) is offered from the 3rd semester onwards. Female students from business administration courses can apply for mentoring from the 5th semester and throughout the entire Master's programme. BayernMentoring was established in 2005 as a state-wide support instrument by the State Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Representatives at Bavarian Universities (LaKoF Bayern) and is actively supported by the Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW).

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