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Founders Kit­chen: The Found­ing Prac­tice Semester for WPS Stu­dents

24.02.2022, Study :

Starting in the summer semester of 2022, students of the Business Psychology program (WPS) can participate in the Founders Kitchen, which is credited like an internship semester. The aim is to develop innovative and customer-oriented solutions to business models independently and in teams.

Within 100 days (30 ECTS), participants will be sensitized to the topic of starting a business in the newly designed Edison Room at Edisonallee 1. The Founders Kitchen will take place for the first time in the period from March 1 to July 31, 2022. Registration will take place via Moodle. Students will work with a partner with whom a free contract will be signed. In exchange, participants are allowed to work exclusively on their own ideas.

By observing and interviewing users, customers and experts, the students derive requirements and solution approaches and develop and test prototypes. Gradually, they develop a business idea into a business model, for which they draw up a viable business plan that should lead to an application for an EXIST start-up grant from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. Pitching and presenting to a potential jury will also be practiced.

The didactic concept of the coaches Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo, Prof. Dr. Jens Pätzmann, Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang and Tal Berman enables the participants to gain new insights, apply tools, work in teams and transfer knowledge into practice. For this purpose, the Founders Kitchen includes interactive presentations, case studies, group work and application, discussions of the results and application of creativity techniques. In addition, the Founders Kitchen enables networking among each other and in the local start-up scene.

[Translate to English:] Symbolbild: Teamwork (opens enlarged image)
[Translate to English:] Symbolbild: Teamwork