IT Ex­ec­ut­ive Circle

As an effective, regional network, the IT Executive Circle (ITEC), which is organised by the Institute for Digital Innovation at HNU, offers orientation on current issues in strategic IT management. Here, the organisers explain why the ITEC fulfils an important key function at the interface between science and practice and what transfer means to them. 

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Nominated for the Bavarian-Swabian
Innovation Award Transfer 2024
of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

What is the ITEC about?

Launched in 2014, the ITEC brings together IT managers from regional companies and promotes a scientifically sound exchange on strategic challenges in IT management. While seven medium-sized companies from the region were involved at the beginning, the ITEC now consists of twelve well-known companies. The meetings take place twice a year, alternately at the university or on the premises of one of the practice partners. In this round, HNU experts work on specific current topics and questions from IT managers, develop recommendations and handouts and reflect these back to the IT managers. 

The topics covered so far have included: Process mining, cloud strategies, AI and mixed reality, the future workplace in IT, blockchain and make-or-buy decisions.
The topics covered so far have included: Process mining, cloud strategies, AI and mixed reality, the future workplace in IT, blockchain and make-or-buy decisions.

The HNU team be­hind the ITEC

The co­oper­a­tion part­ners

Key Visual



The ITEC builds on the long-standing membership of companies. The companies that currently support the ITEC through their membership are Peri, Uzin Utz, Wieland, Erwin Hymer Group, Südpack Verpackungen, Schuler, Ratiopharm, WMF, Diehl Aircabin, Handtmann and Uhlmann Pac-System. 

Together with our practice partners, we have prepared, discussed and documented 19 topics relating to IT management over the past few years. Many of the management tools developed are still in use at companies today, such as our AI map or the Industry 4.0 orientation framework.

Prof. Dr. Andy Weeger

In­ter­view with Prof. Dr. Andy Wee­ger

[1] How would you describe your project in three key words?

Relevant, at eye level and sustainable

[2] What is special about your project?

The ITEC has developed into an institution of transfer at the HNU: for more than ten years, those responsible from practice have been meeting twice a year with academics from the HNU to work on current IT management topics. So far, three doctorates have been made possible by the project.

[3] What does transfer mean to you?

An essential part of my work: scientifically sound and co-designed analyses of practice-relevant topics provide impulses for operational reality as well as for research and teaching.

[4] What do you take away from the project - professionally, but also personally?

The ITEC is an essential part of my professional development at the interface between science and practice. I was able to develop and launch the format more than ten years ago together with my current colleagues Prof Dr Thomas Bayer and Prof Dr Heiko Gewald. The format not only helped me to complete my doctorate, but also opened the door to an exciting career in business and also tied me closely to the university in this role until I was finally able to return to HNU as a professor.

Im­pres­sions from ITEC meet­ings in pre­vi­ous years