IDT Open Lab

A bridge between science and SMEs: This is what the Open Lab of the Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT Open Lab) offers, which takes place twice a year in the Innovation Space at HNU. Keynote speeches from science and practice on trends, technologies and best practices in digital transformation promote an exchange between experts from business and science. The IDT Open Lab team explains what makes this exchange so special. 

Das Bild zeigt das Logo des "bayerisch-schwäbischen Innovationspreis Transfer"

Nominated for the Bavarian-Swabian
Innovation Award Transfer 2024
of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

This is the topic

Initiator Prof. Dr Klaus Lang on the origin and development of the format: "In 2019, the idea of establishing an event format aimed at supporting the digital transformation in medium-sized companies and organisations through the transfer of scientific knowledge and technologies was implemented as part of the Inno-Süd joint project. The aim was to develop and implement a new transfer format that combines science and practice, focuses on the exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices and increases the visibility of HNU in the region. With eleven events now organised and between 50 and 90 company representatives taking part in each, the IDT Open Lab has proven its usefulness and relevance. 

Organisatoren und Referenten bei der ersten Ausgabe des IDT Open Labs an der Hochschule Neu-Ulm
Organising team and speakers at the first edition of the IDT Open Lab at HNU

The HNU team be­hind the IDT Open Lab

Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang 

initiated and manages the project. 

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo

is part of the IDT Open Lab team. 

Prof. Man­fred Ple­chaty

is part of the IDT Open Lab team. 

The co­oper­a­tion part­ners

First IDT Open Lab 2019



Close cooperation with companies is essential for the format. The practice partners participate in the form of keynote speeches, among other things, and thus make a significant contribution to building a bridge between theory and practice and promoting dialogue between science and business.

As part of the IDT Open Lab, we have successfully collaborated with many companies, including well-known partners such as msg Deutschland, Liebherr Hausgeräte, and Uzin Utz. The cooperation varied, with the focus on knowledge transfer and the exchange of experiences. 

Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang

In­ter­view with Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang

[1] How would you describe your project in three key words?

Innovation, networking, transformation

Through its approach to knowledge transfer and networking, the IDT Open Lab makes a significant contribution to the digital transformation of medium-sized companies and organisations in the region, but also to strengthening the external perception of HNU.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang
[2] What is special about your project?

The special thing about the IDT Open Lab is the compact format with a duration of two hours. Short, concise presentations of 15 minutes make complex topics accessible and offer practical insights into digital transformation. The IDT Open Lab makes it possible to communicate new scientific findings and research results from both academia and business practice directly to company representatives. In addition to knowledge transfer, the format aims to establish a strong community of company representatives, scientists and experts. And finally, by selecting topics and speakers in a targeted manner, the IDT Open Lab actively supports SMEs in overcoming the challenges and utilising the potential of digital transformation.

[3] What does transfer mean to you?

For me, transfer in the context of the IDT Open Lab primarily means building a bridge between universities and companies. It's about communicating scientific findings and technological developments to companies and organisations in order to solve real problems and promote innovative solutions. For me, transfer is also about building networks and partnerships that enable sustainable change and position universities as active co-creators of social and technological development.

[4] What are you taking away from the project - professionally, but also personally?

From the project with the IDT Open Lab, I have gained a deeper professional insight into the challenges of digital transformation and the value of interdisciplinary collaboration. The experience has broadened my understanding of the practical application of scientific research in business and shown me how essential collaboration between universities and companies is.