Participation in the Alumni Portraits

Dear HNU alumna,
dear HNU alumnus,

We are also interested in your professional success story. Tell us about your personal experiences that you associate with Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences by answering one or more questions from each category. This will take about ten minutes.


  • Before your studies
  • During studies
  • From study to work
  • In the current job

The more questions you answer, the better. In this way you give others orientation in choosing a suitable course of study and at the same time support young people in their choice of career.


Tanja Maucher

Staff member Project Development, Transfer and Cooperationst

Event conception, Career Service, Alumni, germany scholarship

Phone: +49 731 /9762-2205

Location: Main Building A, A.1.07

To profile of Tanja Maucher